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I need early 80's strat parts.

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Anything from the reissues or the two knobber, or the Elite?

I'm looking for some things to put together a 1983 '57 reissue. I want mostly authentic '80's Fender parts, and I don't really want anything new. NOS or excellent condition is fine, just not new parts.


Anyone have a black Fender made 8 hole pickguard?


I need tuning keys as well. The ones with the two posts. Non staggered. String trees too.


a neck plate perhaps?


I need pots, and a switch and knobs too.


I need a complete bridge, but I'm not sure which string spacing I need, to go with a 1 3/4 neck.


PM me or email, either way is good.


I may need other things as well, let me know if you have anything not listed here.


Thanks guys

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