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FS: 2 Blackout bridges (6-String)


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I've got two (2) Blackout bridges for sale. They're both in my Samick Ultramatic right now (one in bridge, one in neck). They sound great, but I'm more of a passive guy. I work at a music store so I got them a little cheaper, so I figured I'd try them out, but alas, I still like passives.


They're both in great condition (I only had one for a month, the other for a week) and come with all of the stuff they come with new (with maybe one of two little things missing, that I can replace with stuff from my store).


Anyway, I'll sell the one in the bridge for $65 shipped (it had a little shorter lead) and the one in the neck for $70 shipped. If you buy them together, it's $115 shipped. If you want the guitar they're attached to, I'd like an extra $75.


I'm at work right now, but can get pictures up tonight.


As for references, I've sold/traded quite a bit here and have 100% rating on eBay under the name xerominus and 100% iTrader at sevenstring.org under the name negativexero.

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