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Trying to teach a few teens.......

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I am currently working with about 4-5 teens with putting a litte band together. They want to learn how to play praise and worship music, with the hopes of performing in the future.


I have been playing for awhile, and have lead worship in the past, but have in the past only played with myself and another guy, or when he is not around just gone solo.


Does anyone have any teaching methods, or creative ways to get these teens to play together and sound good. On thier own they do not sound half bad, but when they play together it gets a little messy.


The music is not hard, mainly C-D-E-A-G kind of chords.


Any suggestions or helps would be great!



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After getting them all tuned up, I suggest that you do your best to get them counting the beat while they play. The right note at the wrong time is the wrong note, if you know what I mean. Play the tunes very slowly at first, less than half speed, and slowly bring the speed up to tempo. As you do, listen for the weak players, and note their limitations. Finding another part for them to play or not is your call. Tamborine is a great option.

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Thanks for the post 555....I appreciate it.

I am really trying to get these in sync. They are having troubles listening to each other. They all want to lead, no one wants to follow.....

Any helps for this?

56 Martin

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I just mentioned taping yourself to gauge your progress in another thread, so....

Tape them at a rehearsal, then have them listen to themselves playing together at the next rehearsal. Sometimes it takes hearing yourself AWAY from the actual "laying down the music" session to pick up on missteps with timing/rhythm and note choice.

Either that, or meet with each person separately and have each one play the same piece (or their PART in the piece, if it's harmonized, which a lot of worship music is). At the next rehearsal where they're all present, play the parts recorded separately in unison (if you have access to several tape players, or mix them onto one tape). They should hear pretty quickly where their mistakes are coming into play.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the idea....I really like that.

Tape them at a rehearsal, then have them listen to themselves playing together at the next rehearsal.

I will try that as things continue to progress. That way the teens could listen to themselves and actual hear what they sound like. It could prove to be quite a humbling experiance as well.....wich at this point may not be a bad thing.....not a bad thing at all!

Thank you again for your post and Idea!!

56 Martin

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I am really trying to get these in sync. They are having troubles listening to each other. They all want to lead, no one wants to follow.....

Any helps for this?

56 Martin

There are plenty of "professional" musicians who don't listen to each other. They're all over the television. That's going to be a tough one. I'll go back to counting the beats as your best results for the effort. Try getting them to count, out loud, and clap the rhythms of the guitar parts, like one, two and three, four and one, two and three and four and one etc, with you leading them, very slowly. Don't use the guitars till they get it clean. You don't have to do the whole tune, just go over the different rhythms, making sure to practice playing from one transition to another. As far as some of them wanting to step out and lead, that's going to happen no matter what, just watch out for the ones who's ego and desire exceeds their talent. Once they make their move, if you don't take them aside (privately, of course), and gently let them know where their place is, they could be a source of contention. The suggestion to tape the sessions is an excellent idea. Perhaps you could tape auditions for the leadership positons, and let them vote on their choice, letting them know that you are reserving veto powers if it turns into a popularity contest.


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