Members Noddy Posted January 22, 2003 Members Posted January 22, 2003 I have been playing for about 4 years now and for most of that time I simply start out by playing the pentanic scales starting from the first few frets down to the last.while it has benefitted me, what other ways can I go about it to add a little varietie.
Members zendog54 Posted January 22, 2003 Members Posted January 22, 2003 Take the notes in the "A" pentatonic scale. (A,C,D,E,G) Figure out how to play the "A" pentatonic scale in the position that corresponds to each one of these notes on the high "E" string and build some new patterns!
Members Jazz_Funk_42 Posted January 23, 2003 Members Posted January 23, 2003 Check out that asian-sounding music you always hear in kung-fu movies. There's a lot of pentatonic magic going on in there.
Members evan_02 Posted January 23, 2003 Members Posted January 23, 2003 i got this from a saxaphone book. i can't really explain it in guitar terms so try to follow me.... the notes are root, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th in the major pent. what you do is build 4 note patterns and then run them up and down the scale everyone knows this one: root 2nd 3rd 5th, 2nd 3rd 5th 6th, 3rd 5th 6th root....etc when you play them going down, don't do them in retrograde, it gets tricky when you do the wierd ones like root 2nd 5th 3rd, 2nd 3rd 6th 5th, 3rd 5th root 6th...etc or this one root 5th 2nd 3rd, 2nd 6th 3rd 5th, 3rd root 5th 6th...etc they are pretty tricky (they'll help get your technique together though) and most guitarists don't bother with them so you'll sound a bit different just remember that patterns aren't terribly musical by themselves, but a bunch of these sound cool when you mix them with eachotehr
Members Bluesman Posted January 23, 2003 Members Posted January 23, 2003 there are several geometric (sort-of) patterns that used to play when I practiced scales lets say you are playing a pentatonic - 5 note scale go up and down the scale 3 or 4 notes at a time for example 1-2-3 2-3-4 3-4-5 4-5-6 and backwards or 1-2-1 2-3-2 3-4-3 4-5-4 , on this one I think I used some hammer ons an pull offs. You can hear Billy Gibbons use this pattern on the solo for LaGrange at one point Same thing with (Starting at the higher octave of the pentatonic scale) 6-5-4-3 5-4-3-2 4-3-2-1 and so on or skipping a note in the scale 6-4-5-3-4-2-3-1 there are all kinds of patterns you can come up with I hope this makes sense, Im sure it could be explained much better but these types of patters do work with practicing all scales I used to practice playing scales every morning when I first woke up. I would have my guitar right there by the bed and just wake up and play for 10 minutes or so After a while, I started waking up realizing that I was Dreaming the Scales as I was waking up the other thing which has been said time and time again is to practice slowly. Don't practice any faster than you can play cleanly Well, thats my 2 cents plus some, thanks
Members r0g3r Posted January 24, 2003 Members Posted January 24, 2003 The Frank Gambale way: Pay attention to the picking direction indicated below. This is a way of "Sweeping" the pentatonic scale, where you can get it VERY fast. It also works for some sequenced patterns. (BTW, this type of picking is called economy picking)
Members evan_02 Posted January 29, 2003 Members Posted January 29, 2003 whoa...thats a crazy way to play a pent r0g3r!
Members r0g3r Posted January 29, 2003 Members Posted January 29, 2003 Originally posted by evan_02 whoa...thats a crazy way to play a pent r0g3r! Yea, I know, Gambale is pretty sick. fendergibson PMd me about the technique, because I had mentioned it in a thread, and my response to him got to be so long, that I decided to turn it into a lesson.
Members chrisgraff Posted February 15, 2003 Members Posted February 15, 2003 here's a fun lick in G pentatonic minor: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------6---------------------------------8----11---8---- --------3--5-/-7-----5--7----5------5--7--/--10------------------ --3--5----------------------8---3-8--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "/" = slide
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