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Should I get a new teacher


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I've been taking lessons for about a month now, and I practice around an hour or so a day, i'm in school. The problem is when I got my weekly lesson my teacher never has me play, he just writes down what I need to practice ( scales, and chords ) then sends me on my way. Shouldn't he hav me trying to play these things while i'm there to get a feel for it? He tells me how good I'm doing, but how can he know how i'm doing if he never hear's me play what he told me to learn?

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Yeah, sounds like he's not doing his part at all. He should listen to you, look at how you're doing what you're doing, check your technique. If all he does is tell you "play this and then play that" you can get it from a book just as easy.

However, finding a teacher who can really go deep with you, open your eyes to new ways of thinking about music and really teach you how to play in a way that usues less evnergy and that involves less tension then it's worth the money.

Good teachers, and I've had a few, are a real boost.

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Does he actually physically write it down while you're there? He should at least have the courtesy to have it on paper before you get there, then make copies for you or something.

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Originally posted by jfreaksho

Does he actually physically write it down while you're there? He should at least have the courtesy to have it on paper before you get there, then make copies for you or something.




That is very debatable.

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Originally posted by jfreaksho

Does he actually physically write it down while you're there? He should at least have the courtesy to have it on paper before you get there, then make copies for you or something.


Yes, I'll go in with my guitar and music book, then he'll start talking about scales or chords or whatever. Then he'll start writing the scales in my book, and the chords. Then he says work on that , and tells me how I'm doing. But how in the world he tells me i'm doing good when he never hears me play what I practiced the prior week. Hell, if I left my guitar at home I don't think it would make a difference.

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make a cassette tape of your hour-long practice routine. when he hands you your book of scales and tells you to work on that, smile and give him the tape and tell him since your paying, for him to listen to that this week and let you know if you are coming along with the scales and stuff he presents you

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Find a real teacher. The first thing he should do is have you play the previous lessons material, to make sure that you're doing it correctly, while using proper technique. He's stealing your money.


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