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Jimmie Herring - How does he do it??

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Anyone familiar with Jimmie Herring's playing?

Man when this guy goes off I hear notes that I just don't hear most people hitting. And it sounds really cool. Not sure how to explain it.......it is kind of like these oddball notes just fly in and out of his playing, but they totally work over the tune.


Anybody know what the hell he is doing to get these notes? Is it a certain scale or mode he typically uses to color his playing the way he does?


Jimmie can be found on a bunch of different recordings. Here are a few


Jazz is Dead

Derek Trucks - Out of the Madness (appears on a few tunes)

Gov't Mule - Live with a Little Help from Our Friends

Frog Wings - Croakin at Toad's (w/ Derek and Butch Trucks, Oteil Burbridge, and John Popper)




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Play what you play then occassionally slide up one fret for a few notes with the same pattern you just played. Then return to your nomal playing position. It takes practise to make it flow.


Lots of people like Scott Henderson do this simple trick to sound "Outside."

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HUGE fan since the AQuarium Rescue unit days. He's the new "Dead" guitarist for this tour too. You should check out his Phil Lesh and Friends stuff - restrained but still stylin'


In trying to figure what he does it seems as though he has quite a few diminshed patterns that he moves around depending on what key the tune is in. Mix that with some large interval jumps (+

Phrasing, Phrasing, Phrasing, Phrasing - big part.


The up or down a half step is accurate too, he does a lot of that, but too smooth to hear in faster runs. Look for his lesson in GUitar Player last year some good stuff there too.




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Thanks for the input everyone. I did see that guitar lesson/interveiw with him and I do remember him talking about sliding patterns up a half step for some quick licks. I will have to dig that one out of the vault and revisit. I think I just have to work at it more and as stated earlier.....learn how to slip it into the phrasing correctly. I definitely do hear some quick large interval jumps too that make the notes seem to just jump out of no where.

SJB, have you heard that Frogwings album? Absolutely killer examples of what Mr. Herring can do. I am a big fan of Derek Trucks and his slide playing too.



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Yeah man - croaking at toads - phenomenal. Deviant Dreams, and Just One are my favorites on there.

I have a few tunes of him with the Allmans touring in 2000, and some shows of him with Derek's band too - smoking.

Apparently Frogwings was just started to test out derek and jimmy and see if they could handle the Allman's type material - boy did they ever.

I love it and hate it when you find a guitarist who captures that elusive sound you hear in your head about the way you want to play and sound.


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