Members geetarjunkie Posted May 22, 2003 Members Posted May 22, 2003 Was wondering if anyone had suggestions on what "musically" i can do to incorporate a guitar into a band like MMW(besides "A Go-Go"). They do typically play out of Dorian or Mixilydian, for that funky sound, but during their breakdowns they sometimes throw in Lydian, or some sort of ugly minor progression. I have listened to a few bands trying to do similar to what what they do, and Soulive is the only group similar enough with a permament guitar, but all their songs get very repetitive, very easily. Just wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to incorporate guitar into this organ-jazz- fusion trio setting.
Members ugly steeple fear Posted May 22, 2003 Members Posted May 22, 2003 Are you speaking of playing outside?
Members SJB Posted May 23, 2003 Members Posted May 23, 2003 Try comping with quartal structures and then adding colour notes to those to add dissonance. After you get the hang of that, start arpeggiating those quartal structures etc. Medeski is a very rhythmic player (as opposed to Jimmy Smith who is very phrase oriented is his improvisations), so it'll probably bring you closer to that groove to work with comping. Outside playing is key for MMW - try moving those diatonic quartal structures up and down a half step to hear some outside tonality. Next step is substituting chords and sales over the original base chord/scale progressions. You might add some effects to get closer to those wacky palettes that MMW uses - they've toured with Marc Ribot (a very talented and diverse player) so you might wanna check out some of his stuff. Good luck and CHeers!
Members geetarjunkie Posted May 24, 2003 Author Members Posted May 24, 2003 by "outside" playing, are you referring to ignoring the other members of the band, resulting in the cluttered sound they tend to get in an intense jam??? And are these diatonic quartal structures you refer to simply flating or sharping a note, resulting in the "model" effect, playing that note that almost should not be there??? And as far as effects, i tend to relly HEAVILY on a Phase/Flange/Delay combo to do volume swells, but it mostly serves as backround noise. Any suggestions on pedals to get a crazy sound that still fits jazz leads??? I know Sco would use some crazy "Chorus" effects that were just nuts, but you got any other suggestions??? Was thinking about looking at those Whammy pedals, any thoughts???
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