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I really want to become a more well rounded guitarist, but I don't know where to start.


I want to be one of those players that can just get up and jam with people in any style if you know what I mean.


At the moment I can improvise with the basic minor pentatonic shape to the point where I can play fast and impress people, but I only know a few licks and my improvising gets repetitive after a couple of minutes. I have no idea how to play chords if the people i'm playing with say "right, let's jam in A". All I can do is solo in A.


Are there any good books, DVDs etc.. out there which will teach me how to get up there and jam proficiently? Thanks for any advice.


For chords: I'd first learn to play the blues (simple, and perhaps jazz blues changes for something a little more interesting) and learn those progressions in a bunch of different keys, knowing what all the chord names are.

For soloing: Transcribe solos. Sit down and listen to people who play in a variety of stylistic settings and work out by ear, and write down to if you do it, what they're playing. This will help give you more insight on how scales are used so you're not just playing licks but coming up with ideas in real time. Also, try learning new scales. You said you have the pentatonic down, so how about major and minor? Then modes perhaps. Then modes of the melodic minor. That should tie you up for a couple years and set you up with a harmonic bag of tricks for a lifetime.


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