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Regular tuning slide


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For the last 6 months or so I've been practicing on playing slide on a regulary tuned guitar. The reason for this is that I'm a lazy bum and don't want to learn a new tuning :) Tested it out for the first time today at the local blues jam and got a pretty cool response, so I'm doing something right :D


Anyway, does anybody know to play rhythm effectilfy while using a slide? I've had some cool results with Drop D, but I need more ideas. Any regular tuning slide ideas really.

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Mick Taylor did some standard tuning slide work with the Stones. There's a video he did for the Hot Licks series that includes some standard slide stuff. I can't vouch for it, but I've seen it mentioned on boards like this.

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Hey Bart, wanna be my first real slide student? I have some ideas regarding what you're asking for and we could easily work out a deal that wouldn't have to involve any actual money exchange. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.


Nice to hear you had a cool day at the jam. Why weren't you at the mini blues festival though, you lazy bum? ;)

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Originally posted by Terje

Hey Bart, wanna be my first real slide student? I have some ideas regarding what you're asking for and we could easily work out a deal that wouldn't have to involve any actual money exchange. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

Nice to hear you had a cool day at the jam. Why weren't you at the mini blues festival though, you lazy bum?


I shot you an email about the lessons, it sounds mighty tempting!


The jam was a blast! A {censored}load of guitarists as usual, which meant I got to go on pretty late - which was good, cause I was all warmed up, grooved up and ready to go. Had a few nice solos and a really cool slide duel.


My excuse for not being at the festival is that I didn't know there was one :D

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Originally posted by tubeman

I shot you an email about the lessons, it sounds mighty tempting!


Funny, I didn't get it. Yet...


The jam was a blast! A {censored}load of guitarists as usual, which meant I got to go on pretty late - which was good, cause I was all warmed up, grooved up and ready to go. Had a few nice solos and a really cool slide duel.


With Brian? Then maybe soon you'll be taching me stuff! :)


My excuse for not being at the festival is that I didn't know there was one


You mean that Brian didn't announce it at the jam? He should have! Anyway, it was jam packed. At times during the evening they had to tell people it was full and they couldn't get in.


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