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(somewhat) simplistic solos?


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Hey, I need some songs with some solos that don't require too much speed to help me build up some soloing technique. I'll gradually graduate to some faster stuff, but right now I need to know some good songs to learn from that I will actually be able to play. My knowledge of solos as it exists now is random noodling on the blues scale and a few very simple Zeppelin solos. Thanks!

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Originally posted by Poparad

The first solo I learned was the ending solo to "Hummer" by the Smashing Pumpkins. It's a very melodic solo and fun to play.



I had know idea you were into the pumpkins:) They were one of the main reasons i stated playing guitar. Although Corgan gets alot of {censored} on this forum, I think he wrote some really amazing stuff.


I agree. The first 10 or 20 songs I learned were all Pumpkins songs, and at one point in time I could play just about every song from Gish through Adore. While I'm heavily into jazz now and mostly play that, I sometimes pop on some Pumpkins and enjoy it just the same. :cool:

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Originally posted by Poparad

I agree. The first 10 or 20 songs I learned were all Pumpkins songs, and at one point in time I could play just about every song from Gish through Adore. While I'm heavily into jazz now and mostly play that, I sometimes pop on some Pumpkins and enjoy it just the same.

I think i'm heading in the same dirrection as you for some reason. For the last few months i've bought/listened/(tried to)play nothing but Jazz/Fusion. There's always time for some pumpkins though:) IamOne is one of the first songs I learnt how to blow pents over:D


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the solos from Enter Sandman and Nuthin else matters are good fun solos to learn. Smells like teen spirit is another good one. Afte you get those down try a little Randy Rhodes stuff to learn some two hand tapping

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Hey JenjaBen!

Are you into the Red Hot Chili Peppers? It was the all-time classic Blood Sugar Sex Magik album that really got me into both locking in with a rhythm section and playing 'jam band' solos. Some of Frusciante's solos on that cut are the definition of rockin' simplicity.

Have fun,


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The Chili Peppers is a good idea and that looks possible, but Metallica? Not quite yet. I think I'll have to check out the Pumpkins though. How about some classic rock stuff. Anybody know something fun from there?

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The first solo I ever learnt was the one in Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. I'd certainly recommend it as something to get your teeth stuck into, its not very long and its just a case of breaking it down into bits you can do and then bringing them all together.

Another one that sounds good is the solo from Knockin on Heavens door by Guns n Roses if you like that sort of thing.

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You might want to check out some Alan Parson Project songs.. from the 80th. No spectacular guitar work in it, but you're looking for the simpler solos anyways..

I especially like the song Prime Time.. I wonder why noone has done a cover of it. The original recording is a bit boring, but it's a great song nevertheless.


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