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My cool, super secret, warm up routine.

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Not so secret any more I guess...

When I was in college I studied with Brett Terrell. He studied with several members of the Romero family. I believe this warm-up came from Pepe Romero. He would start each day with a cigar and this warm-up, and then he would begin to play.

Start with both hands open. Close to fists. Open. Close. Open, etc. You are not making tight fists. You want to remain as loose as possible in fact. The key here is to bend every knuckle. You want to be using the fast twitch muscles, not the slow twitch muscles. Try to move your hands as quickly as possible (This means keeping them as relaxed as possible. You want no antagonistic tension. When your flexors are flexing, you want no tension in your extensors, and vice versa.)

Start with about 50 reps, and then just shake them out. Simple so far right?

Ex 2. Interlace your fingers. Keep your elbows out so that your forearms are in line. Start with the left index finger. Curl it in to touch your left palm, and then straighten it out to touch your right palm. Using the above outlined principals (no antagonistic tension, bend every knuckle, etc.), do about 50 reps (palm to palm). Then do the same with the right index finger. Then free up your left middle finger, then right middle, etc. Be careful!!!!! You want to stretch muscles, not pull them. Forget keeping your forearms in line, and move so your palms are closer together if you have to. Keep up with this and you will develop great independence of motion, and flexibility, but strain yourself, and you can do damage. When you get down to your pinkies, you'll find you probably can't go from palm to palm. No Biggie, just work through the range of motion that you have. Once complete, shake them out a little.

Ex 3. Put the tips of your index fingers (fully outstretched) against the edge of your desk, and push down a little. Again, don't hurt yourself. Just get a tiny stretch in your forearms. You are not bending the knuckles back, your bones won't allow that. Just stretch out the muscles/tendons. Do the same with both middle fingers, rings, and pinkies. About 50 reps on each finger should get you started. Lastly, shake 'em out again.

At this point your hands/forearms should feel ready to take on the world!


I go through this regimen almost every time I practice. I always go through this before long practice sessions, and before gigs. It leaves you fully stretched, totally warm, and ready to play. I have never had to soak in warm water to bring up my muscles' temp. They'll warm themselves right up through being used/stretched.

I also found this warm-up pretty addicting. Many was the time I wasn't hearing a professor because I was too focused on my antagonistic tension, or contemplating my range of motion.

If it helps you, enjoy. If not, find something that does. No one way is right for everyone.



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Now that the movements are (hopefully) a little clearer, I'll recap.

Ex 1. Fingers outstretched, make a fist, outstretched, make a fist. Go fast. Both hands at the same time. 50 fists. If you are diligent, you'll be able to give blood in record time!

Shake 'em out.

Ex 2. Start /w left index. 50 stretches. Then right index, then left middle, then right middle, etc. 50 reps for each finger. Don't overdue it. Train, don't strain. You can adjust the workout by changing the angle of your palms.

Shake 'em out.

Ex 3. Both index fingers @ the same time. Both middles, then rings, then pinkies, and then back to the index fingers. Get 50 on each finger, and shake them out. Try to remember not to break your fingers. We're stretching, not performing sado masochism!

Now, go pick up your guitar. Play. Warm? Loose? Sounds like you've been playing for an hour already? Yup!
Works great for me. It takes a little while to get through, but in addition to a warm-up, you are also increasing finger independence, strength, flexibility, and accuracy.
Of course, your mileage will vary.

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Actually, I apologise for that crack. Being born and raised in north western Jersey, I realise that the Parkway/Turnpike is not all there is to NJ. Just give me GPS coordinates, and I'll head down and stab you. :D


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