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Dj Scratch on Guitar..


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How Tom Morello (FROM RATM... Audioslave sucks) does that dj scratch on his guitar? Wich effects he uses? Pedals? Tweak?



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If you watch the video for bulls on parade you can see him use his right hand wrist and slide it back and forth over the pickups. Pretty simple really.

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But when he does that, he also turns a switch on his guitar... what is it?? And I think he uses a whammy, is this correct?

thanx a lot..

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probably just a booster and or a distortion pedal to get more gain.

The dj scrach is really just the noise from the hands rubbing against the wounded strings. It can give a nice percusive sound that way.

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I don't remember how he's wired. That could be a kill switch, or he could be switching to another pickup with the volume set at 0 (so it acts like a kill switch).
Other than that, he's just running skin across the strings with some distortion. It doesn't work nearly as well with flat wound strings!


Originally posted by Shamuspizzbutt

or he could be switching to another pickup with the volume set at 0 (so it acts like a kill switch).



That's what he has. Any guitar that has a volume knob for each pickup can function this way.


Rolling the volume down to 0 on one of the pickups will mute it in both the single position for that pickup, and the dual position (on a two pickup guitar). The only position that will still have volume is for the other single pickup that still has it's volume knob above 0.

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You could either mod your wiring so that the tone knob instead acts as a volume for one pickup. Set it to zero, and go. I don't recommend this because you'd lose the tone knob. I like the tone knob. For me, that's too much of a sacrifice.

You could put an extra switch in the guit. Just put it in to allow/disrupt output. I wouldn't trust myself to do this. I would probably butcher the finish trying to drill a hole for the switch. I also like minimalist control layouts.

You could also have an extra pot added, and wire it up to be the volume on just one pickup. This is probably the most versatile option, but again we're adding controls.

I'm sure most competent techs could do any of these modifications for not too much money. Once you pull out the drill, I say "Leave it to the guy with insurance".

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Originally posted by Steka

How Tom Morello (FROM RATM... Audioslave sucks) does that dj scratch on his guitar? Wich effects he uses? Pedals? Tweak?




You've got it backwards. It's RATM that sucks.

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Originally posted by edeltorus

probably just a booster and or a distortion pedal to get more gain.



Veruca Salt does it in Seether also but it's just having lots of gain and or distortion like edeltorus said.


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