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hey- speed picking.

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hey hey kids, im new to all this, a buddy of mine suggested it to me. Now heres my question.

As a guitarist i've always been intrigued by the speed pickin styles of Chuck schuldenor[Death], and the guys from slayer. However i am not a fan of solos that just are super fast and dont go anywhere.

However, my pickin hand cant seem to keep up with the speed of my fingers. So, what is good practice for this speed pickin?

any suggestions would be great.


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It is very funny to see this post on here right now; I just finished jamming to Death - Symbolic (Chuck's band... RIP). When I first got into metal guitar it was frustrating for me too.

I would recommend slowing it down a bit and concentrating on getting the full sound and hitting every time. When I first started I kept missing on upstrokes and was very pissed. I even switched to a softer pic thinking it might help... just made it sloppier and more tinny. Try playing it at about 120 with a metronome. Once you can do that no problem, bring it up a bit. Do this for a few weeks and pretty soon you should be playing at the same speed. Also, with the song Symbolic, during the breakdown:

Make sure your hand is clear during the parts between the palm mutes. I wasnt really concentrating on that when I first started (other songs included) and it kinda messed up my timing for awhile. Just lift as much as you can get away with... speed is obtained by staying close to the instrument.


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