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Intermediate Songs

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Im so stuck on songs to learn..i keep going over metallica and nirvana and some clapton i need something challenging that aint power chords....give me ideas

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what is your level of playing ability?
and believe me there are PLENTY of songs that use lots of power chords that arent easy to learn.

here are some examples (for good tab, go to www.powertabs.net and if you dont have it, download the powertab program...)

Children of Bodom:
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Children of Bodom
Needled 24/7
Children of Decadence

Crystal Mountain
Perenial Quest (may have misspelled!)

Iced Earth:
the Phantom Opera Ghost

Speed of Light

other songs, not metal...

Led Zeppelin : Stairway to Heaven
The Who : Behind Blue Eyes

or how about you check out some classical pieces

Mozart's Night Music (i believe its actually Eine Klein Nochtmusik...im not good with German...? LOL)
or Mozart's 40th symphony
Beethovens 5th
look up some Johann Sebastian Bach guitar pieces...

these should keep you busy for a while ;) ;) ;)

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It's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" which is (literally translated) A little Night Music. I'm pretty good with German, largely due to the fact that I am German :)

If you want some intermediate stuff that takes you further (and goes beyond powerchord riffage) you might go for some Iron Maiden. They actually make tremedous use of powerchords, but most of their stuff also includes fast-paced licks and riffs.
The Trooper comes to my mind, and if you want to check out really fast and powerchord sequences coupled with high-speed licks to challenge your alternate picking skills, you might take a glimpse at Aces High.

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Do you play both rhytm and lead? I think those CoB songs are quite hard for an intermediate player leadwise. I consider myself intermediate and I also have problems finding good songs...the leadparts are too hard for me:(

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Originally posted by CoBfan

Do you play both rhytm and lead? I think those CoB songs are quite hard for an intermediate player leadwise. I consider myself intermediate and I also have problems finding good songs...the leadparts are too hard for me:(



yeah some CoB is challenging,but nothing wrong with a challenge!


to the top^

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Originally posted by Sebastian_K

It's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" which is (literally translated) A little Night Music. I'm pretty good with German, largely due to the fact that I am German

If you want some intermediate stuff that takes you further (and goes beyond powerchord riffage) you might go for some Iron Maiden. They actually make tremedous use of powerchords, but most of their stuff also includes fast-paced licks and riffs.

The Trooper comes to my mind, and if you want to check out really fast and powerchord sequences coupled with high-speed licks to challenge your alternate picking skills, you might take a glimpse at Aces High.

thanks for the spelling...i know, im terrible with almost anything but English unless ive seen it spelled a few times :) lift a stein and drink your beer! ;) (i probably spelled that wrong too but...yea...LOL)

oh, and Maiden...how about Hallowed Be Thy Name? or Wasted Years...Where Eagles Dare...? all have some cool power chords and note-based riffs...lots of possibilities.

and about CoB and the solos...you dont have to play the solos if you cant. no biggie there, but the rhythm will build up good chops themselves. a lot of it is precise, razor sharp rhythm playing, with lots of little fills and stuff to break up the chords.
and the solos are something to be reckoned with...thats why im working on my picking speed and sweep picking a lot now...;) ill be able to play CoB solos one of these days...LOL i use Alexi as my major inspiration now. anytime im feeling in a slump i pop in Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper, or Hate Crew and i just get a tingling in my spine and a desire to be better as a guitarist...it might have the same effect on Cast_Aside here....never know!

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Originally posted by soc_monki

thanks for the spelling...i know, im terrible with almost anything but English unless ive seen it spelled a few times
lift a stein and drink your beer!
(i probably spelled that wrong too but...yea...LOL)

oh, and Maiden...how about Hallowed Be Thy Name? or Wasted Years...Where Eagles Dare...? all have some cool power chords and note-based riffs...lots of possibilities.

and about CoB and the solos...you dont have to play the solos if you cant. no biggie there, but the rhythm will build up good chops themselves. a lot of it is precise, razor sharp rhythm playing, with lots of little fills and stuff to break up the chords.

and the solos are something to be reckoned with...thats why im working on my picking speed and sweep picking a lot now...
ill be able to play CoB solos one of these days...LOL i use Alexi as my major inspiration now. anytime im feeling in a slump i pop in Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper, or Hate Crew and i just get a tingling in my spine and a desire to be better as a guitarist...it might have the same effect on Cast_Aside here....never know!


Whenever I need motivation to practice I just put on one of their CD's or whatch a live-video. Damn Alexi is incredible live:eek:

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