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Harmonic or melodic minor?

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One of the few times I actually learned a set of scales and sat down and practiced them semi-religiously was the 7 modes of the major scale.


Im still finding ways to find them all over the fretboard.


Though I need to start finding context to make better use of my scales, im ready to take on another set of scales to mindlessly repeat on the fretboard (ok, not mindlessly, but in the interests of muscle memory).


I play mostly folk, blues and rock, but when it comes to doing lead work, I like to try and be a bit more ambitious.


What scale would my ears and hands get the most benefit from? The modes of the melodic minor or harmonic minor? Or one I havent mentioned? I suppose the easiest response is pentatonics, but im not interested in that avenue right now. Diminished, augmented and whole tone scales dont seem to jump out at me right now.

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Both there's only one note diferent also you'll probably want the ability to play dim. and WT scales soon.

Practice scales in position in cycles too:

ex. ionian cycle b2=major scale with roots C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B

I use the definition of position as one fret below the second finger with first and fourth finger covering two frets 6 frets total.

7nth pos.= 1st finger frets 6,7
2nd finger fret 8
3d fret 9
4th fret 10,11

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Originally posted by babybatter

Im guessing so.

But coulda tell me why or how?



In as much as there's only one not difference between the major scale and the melodic minor scale, a lot of melodic minor modes substitute nicely for major modes. They can be a nice way to spice up your playing.


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