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counting dotted notes

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hi, ive always had trouble with this counting on my own w/o a metronome on guitar. but not piano?


when you play a dotted quarter not, do you count three eigth notes, or give it a 1.5 quarter counts? i know theyre the same but what do YOU do?


the same questions goes down the whole line. dotted 8th notes = 3 16th notes?


i was also wondering the best way to practice these on a metronome. should u finda mid point between to sets of bpm's and divide it. using the lower bpm for a dotted note? how would i go about doing this


im sorry but this alwyas confuses me and if anyone can provide some help in this area id be very grateful. my theory classes alwyas ran over this point rather quickly wheni believe it should be emphasied more. im trying to get into more odd based time signatures and they are all in counts of dotted notes!


With the dotted quarter, I think of it as 3 eighths. This allows me to be more precise in my placement of the note(s) after that rhythm.

The same with dotted eighths; I think 3 sixteenth notes. Try to count the subdivisions as much as possible, as it will make you a lot more accurate.

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Whenever a note is dotted, you take its value and add half of that. So for instance a dotted quarter is a quarter plus half a quarter - a quarter and a half or 3 eighth notes.

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yes i already know that, i wsa just looking for an answer by what poparad said?

i always count by the subdivided notes. i always found it too difficult to go One and two and three and...

but does anybody know of any excercises for dotted notes? particularly with a metronome


Originally posted by tropics

yes i already know that, i wsa just looking for an answer by what poparad said?

i always count by the subdivided notes. i always found it too difficult to go One and two and three and...

but does anybody know of any excercises for dotted notes? particularly with a metronome



Counting 'One and Two and' is subdividing the note.



Try counting contant eight notes ('One and two and three...') and tap out the rhythms with your hand while using the metronome. It takes a little bit of coordination, but it really does help in finding where to place the notes.

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Originally posted by Poparad

Counting 'One and Two and' is subdividing the note.

Try counting contant eight notes ('One and two and three...') and tap out the rhythms with your hand while using the metronome. It takes a little bit of coordination, but it really does help in finding where to place the notes.



do this, then tap tempo in right hand, notated rythym in left hand. then switch hands.


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