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Need some help to be coming a better guitar player


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I have been playing guitar since I was in high school. After H.S I didn't play or a regularly basic. I would play off and on. Now I have found the desirer that I once had years ago too play. I have been playing for close too a year now and regular about 1 to 2 hours a day. I know that's not much time too spend on the guitar but that's all the time I have. Here is where I need some help I'm mostly self tough. I would like to learn some scales and how too use them. How to go about learning them on the guitar or just about anything to make me a better guitar player. I can play tablature note for note but that has became boring. I have been playing some blues licks and some other blues stuff. I want to learn how to play lead with out learning note 4 note using tab. I want to be able to play a solo with just using the correct scales. please let me know what I should do



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1. Find a teacher and take private lessons. Make sure your teacher has some kind of degree in music

2. Practice. 3 hours a day is minimum. If you want to be better than your piers practice 6 hours a day. Your teacher who has been to a university will help you decide on what actually to practice for those 6 hours.

3. Listen. Listen to everything. Not just what you typically listen to. Listen to music that doesn't have any guitar in it. Love and learn to appreciate good music, not just guitar virtuosos. Listen to:

Igor Stravinky
Bill Evans
John Coltrane
Astor Piazzolla
Michael Hedges
Chick Corea

4. This is my philosophy that can be applied to more things that just music:

-------1. Inspiration
-------2. Immitation
-------3. Imagination
-------4. Innovation

1. Listen to someone and think- "oh wow"
2. Play exactly note for note that persons solo, melody or whatever. Mimmick everything they do. Learn how that particular player plays music and what chords or scales they like to use.
3. Be creative. Do not let your guitar play music for you. So many players just sound like they are playing scale after scale. It's not music. "If you can't hear it in your head, it's not worth playing."JP
4. Instead of being a Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani, SRV or Marty Friedman- Try creating something new. What's new? 20 years ago we didn't think we'd have portable mp3 players did we? Over 100 different kinds of jeans to buy and over 100 different kinds of bottled water to buy?

*Learn your scales. Be able to play every scale atleast 5 different places on the neck. Be able to play them without looking at the fretboard. Blindfold yourself
*Learn your arpeggios 5 diffeerent places on the neck as well
*Be able to play any chord any where on the neck 12 different places.

Get a teacher.

There are millions of bedroom rockstars that just noodle all day long and try to learn all the information about guitar from the internet. Sure its out there, but where do you start? You need structure. You have to learn from a structure because everything builds off of each other. "I just learned from this website how to play a C melodic minor scale and it sounds really cool." Know how to use it?

Good luck. If what you play on your guitar doesn't put a smile on your face your playing the wrong things, or maybe the wrong instrument, or maybe you should be doing something else with your life.


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