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tripple pulloff on lower strings.


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I'm currently practicing three note per string pulloffs. It's pretty easy for me to do this on the high strings with any combination of fingers.


I hold the neck in "rock guitar" position, e.g. thumb is high on the back of the neck, and the hand is a bit tilted. Works for me.


When I move to the lower strings I automatically switch to the classical position, this gives me a better reach, but somehow this position sucks most of the force out of my fingers for pulloffs. I press harder to compensate, tens up and get sloopy.


Any advice other than keep practicing?

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Originally posted by edeltorus

Any advice other than keep practicing?



not much.. but while u're at it, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to force yourself to use a "classical" position for higher strings too when doing legato stuff.

This way you will always use a similar "set" of muscles in your hand in a similar way and you won't have to master the complications in the "switch phase" while you are changing your position... it could be that phase that is really generating your problems... the theory is easy to check just by trying to play a 2 string legato thingy on the lower strings to see if, starting from a "correct" position u get less troubles.

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Hi Kunos,

It's unlikely that the position shift is the problem. At the moment I'm just practicing some single string patterns, combining hammer on / pull offs and slides.

However, I tried your advice, and it turned out that I suck at pulling with classical hand position in general, not just on the lower strings.

Infact pulling with classical position on the higher strings feels even more strange than on the lower strings :)

Guess that's what I have to work on first.

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It's getting better, folks.

I still suck, but now can change strings without messing up. The pulloffs are still a bit to weak for my taste (especially pulling from pinky to ringfinger), but I work on it. Pulling down 3 note per string scales on the lower strings is not fun!

With a bit of luck I'll also get a good payd job in the near future, and then I can call my old teacher, book lessons and ask him how to do it..



Originally posted by edeltorus

I press harder to compensate, tens up and get sloopy.




For pull offs, you shouldn't press harder, but rather you should pull harder. Probably what is happening is your finger angle is changing because of the change in hand posture, which is causing you to not pull off with enough force to get a good sound.


I play with a classical left hand posture 95% of the time, so it's not the posture itself that is causing your problem; it's most likely just that you aren't as familiar or comfortable with it, and thus you are changing something else about the way you do pull offs. Try working on pulling off at an angle more on the lower strings, and with a little more force. Even on the lowest strings I still fret very lightly, so you don't need to press any harder.


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