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Anyone care to comment on my playing on this clip??

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Cant really hear the guitar all that well. Sounds good I guess, but I cant really tell whats going on phrasing wise and such. Definately seem to know the fretboard well. I did hear some sweep picking in one section. Why not post something more recent? Sounds more like a long solo than a song though. I am guessing thats the point? Cheers

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Originally posted by typedeaF

Cant really hear the guitar all that well. Sounds good I guess, but I cant really tell whats going on phrasing wise and such. Definately seem to know the fretboard well. I did hear some sweep picking in one section. Why not post something more recent? Sounds more like a long solo than a song though. I am guessing thats the point? Cheers


It's just a long solo, just off the cuff on all accounts. A way of practicing my flow of thought improvising and testing new things.

The stuff that sounds like sweep picking is actually string skipping using the high e and the d strings and skipping over the b string, and alternate picked but not too well. I was playing 3rds and fourths on the two strings.

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Originally posted by red|dragon

first off, you are brave for posting yourselt playing. most people on hc don't have the balls...

but im going to tell you what i think and if you get mad so what, im just trying ot help you improve:

- rhthym guitar is too loud, wish i could hear you more

- sounds like you are just playing up and down scales as fast as you can

- seems like you are playing a lot of the same thing over and over again

- again the scales. it sounds like you definately know your scales, but it just sounds like you are playing scales.

- not really much of a build in your solos, you need an ultimate climax and i just havent reached it.

- reminds me of yngwie malmsteens playing sorta. stop listening to him, there is better music out there lol

- your playing mostly the same note lengths, let some notes ring out

- you are playing way too many notes.

- silence lets the music speak

- im not impressed by your speed

- you play a lot of the same licks over and over again

- maybe try some different techniques

- learn how to sweep pick?

- notes are flying too fast, let them ringout

- there is no emotion in your playing with just notes flying out as fast as possible

- the only person who is going to care about your playing is other guitar players

- don't you want to mezmorize the average person who may or may not play guitar?

- you use absoltely no chromatic notes

- chromatic notes make music interesting, sounds like you are just practicing your scales in this song

- add chromatic notes to spice it up a lot

- try different groupins of notes instead of just playing scales

- practice playing intervals, play minor 3rds, major 3rds, 4ths, 5ths etc...when you practice your scales so you can have some other things to work with.

- play more melodically

- use different phrasing

- tell a story rather than just showing everyone your practice routine

- make melodies, just because you are soloing doesnt mean you can't make new melodies other than the head

listen to this mp3, you'll see what i mean:




The tune was called To Many Notes, BTW. As for Yngwie, I was playing like that before I knew who he was...there were others before him with good chops and I basically extrapololated on their riffs and eventual allowed them to drift away from their original form, after I learned them exactly as they were played on the records.


That was from 15 years ago, and it was designed to be like that because it's one of the ways I practice. Also, my melodic options were limited by the chord progression and drum machine. Try some of this stuff, click one of the Tsunami tunes. They're basically the same thing, but only a year or two old.





I did click your link. Nicely played but your note choices are completely unoriginal as is their execution and phrasing. Nice student material to copy from records or learn from books to help develop skills, but it has no uniqueness that would lead the listener to ever know who of a million similar sounding guitar players was playing it. But, dude, it was quite well played and I didn't dislike it for it's pedestrian use of conventions that define the style. I can appreciate all well executed music even if the entire piece is simply a textbook regurgitation of the usual cliche's.

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Originally posted by red|dragon

first off, you are brave for posting yourselt playing. most people on hc don't have the balls...

but im going to tell you what i think and if you get mad so what, im just trying ot help you improve:

- rhthym guitar is too loud, wish i could hear you more

- sounds like you are just playing up and down scales as fast as you can

- seems like you are playing a lot of the same thing over and over again

- again the scales. it sounds like you definately know your scales, but it just sounds like you are playing scales.

- not really much of a build in your solos, you need an ultimate climax and i just havent reached it.

- reminds me of yngwie malmsteens playing sorta. stop listening to him, there is better music out there lol

- your playing mostly the same note lengths, let some notes ring out

- you are playing way too many notes.

- silence lets the music speak

- im not impressed by your speed

- you play a lot of the same licks over and over again

- maybe try some different techniques

- learn how to sweep pick?

- notes are flying too fast, let them ringout

- there is no emotion in your playing with just notes flying out as fast as possible

- the only person who is going to care about your playing is other guitar players

- don't you want to mezmorize the average person who may or may not play guitar?

- you use absoltely no chromatic notes

- chromatic notes make music interesting, sounds like you are just practicing your scales in this song

- add chromatic notes to spice it up a lot

- try different groupins of notes instead of just playing scales

- practice playing intervals, play minor 3rds, major 3rds, 4ths, 5ths etc...when you practice your scales so you can have some other things to work with.

- play more melodically

- use different phrasing

- tell a story rather than just showing everyone your practice routine

- make melodies, just because you are soloing doesnt mean you can't make new melodies other than the head

listen to this mp3, you'll see what i mean:



BTW. I appreciate you listening to it, and respect your comments in regards to that clip..if that was my intent, then you'd most certainly be accurate with you opinions regarding that specific piece, however I have never considered those type of pieces real music and I hold them exempt from much of the critique that is rightfully applied to works of serious music, but it's just not really applicable for this stuff. Don't take offense at my first reply, it's just a similar approach to your critque and applied to your clip, but based on different criteria, that related to originality.


The similarities should be obvious in terms of how little actual meaning the critique has regarding it, although it's absolutely accurate in it's summarial view. Of course I know your clip was a demonstration of the generic riffs for students to learn their conventions from, not an example of your unique musical style which one would find in your serious musical compositions, which is where one would expect to be exposed to it.

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1. I basically liked it.


2. It is good to record yourself and listen to it - many times, and after not hearing it for a while - fresh - for new insight


3. It is VERY hard to play for that long and keep it interesting.


4. You could take the best parts and use them for solos or breaks in a good metal/rock/neo-classical song


5. As a practice exercise or routine, that is very useful. You work on flow, ideas, techniques like bending and intonation, vibratto, changing keys/modes, trying different scales, focusing or emphasizing different notes, etc. You have to do that and it is not always going to pleasing to a listener. I've been working on sweep-picking arps and I'm sure anyone listening would go crazy from it.


6. It does take juevos to post your material, since most people are going to feel the need to criticize. Don't just shoot someone down for the fun of it. And if you do, put yours up for the same treatment.


Life is too short to watch reality shows.

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I like the second clip more than the first you posted, the lead guitar isn't loud enough on either though and it still sounds a bit linear. Nice chops though, very fast playing and it sounds clean (though the lead guitar is too quiet to be sure), either way i reckon you can play faster than i can :D, but it does honestly sound like there's not alot of thought going into what you're playing and it can get pretty hard work to listen to after the first minute or so.


As red dragon says - it sounds like you've used up your entire licks library in the first part of the song and are regurgitating it for the rest (on both tracks). Slow the hell down, let the music breath and use your impressive speed selectively; it'll have more impact that way.

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I only listened to um...Tsunami,get a little tired of A E F C B after that long and am glad I'm not your rhythm player but it sounds like there might be some good ideas going on there.


But who can tell?I'm getting a huge amount of noise from that,I do think the lead is plenty loud in comparison to the backing but it's all hard to hear under the hiss.


What's up with the noise?

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I think you shot yourself in the foot with your "critique" on r|d's posted clip. The clip he posted was much more interesting to listen to. The phrasing and dynamics were great. Cant say anything wrong with that clips playing...at all. I dont really like how r|d always posts like as asshole, but he had many good points. Stop playing like you have to impress someone with your speed. There are too many fast players out today that make you seem slow and sloppy in comparison. I am not saying speed sucks, I love playing fast and hearing fast stuff, but dont over do it. Tsunami really wasnt any different. One big long solo. Maybe you should listen to Yngwie, because he doesnt shred the entire song. I am not bashing your playing, you seem to have speed, which takes time for most people, and some knowledge of the fretboard. 15 yrs ago, that might have been enough to get you a record label, now days its a drop in a bucket. Your playing actually sounds like George Lynch speed up. And I mean that literally as well as figuratively. The vibrato and other things in your clips literally sound like you are speeding up your recording. Take it as a compliment or an insult, its just an observation. I heard no nice slow bends or vibrato. I guess I am a little more blunt now because you attempted to critizice someone else by saying that they sound very textbook and un original. Do you think you sound original? Although r|d's post was way to abbrasive, take it to heart, because there was a lot of truth in it. If you can just learn some dynamics and phrasing, you will be a much better player. Hey, I dont have that much speed and I sure cant play as nicely as that track r|d posted either, so you are still a better player than me. Cheers

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Originally posted by typedeaF

I think you shot yourself in the foot with your "critique" on r|d's posted clip. The clip he posted was much more interesting to listen to. The phrasing and dynamics were great. Cant say anything wrong with that clips playing...at all. I dont really like how r|d always posts like as asshole, but he had many good points. Stop playing like you have to impress someone with your speed. There are too many fast players out today that make you seem slow and sloppy in comparison. I am not saying speed sucks, I love playing fast and hearing fast stuff, but dont over do it. Tsunami really wasnt any different. One big long solo. Maybe you should listen to Yngwie, because he doesnt shred the entire song. I am not bashing your playing, you seem to have speed, which takes time for most people, and some knowledge of the fretboard. 15 yrs ago, that might have been enough to get you a record label, now days its a drop in a bucket. Your playing actually sounds like George Lynch speed up. And I mean that literally as well as figuratively. The vibrato and other things in your clips literally sound like you are speeding up your recording. Take it as a compliment or an insult, its just an observation. I heard no nice slow bends or vibrato. I guess I am a little more blunt now because you attempted to critizice someone else by saying that they sound very textbook and un original. Do you think you sound original? Although r|d's post was way to abbrasive, take it to heart, because there was a lot of truth in it. If you can just learn some dynamics and phrasing, you will be a much better player. Hey, I dont have that much speed and I sure cant play as nicely as that track r|d posted either, so you are still a better player than me. Cheers



Yeh I thought the "critique" of red dragon's clip sounded like sour grapes rather than a valid point and there's a million "hot-shots" that can play fast, but not so many that can play fast and create interest and melody in their solo's. Personally i had nothing but respect for R/D's clip, the other clip's only merit was the speed of the player.

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Originally posted by red|dragon

not trying to be an asshole. the stuff i listed is just things that came to my mind as i was listening to the clip.

maybe the responce you were looking for:

Sounds Great Paragraph51!
I really liked it!

...but what good would that do except boost your ego? there are always things we can work on and practice. but if you want someone to make you feel good maybe you should ask your gf or your mommy. i just try to deliver bold truth. no rolling around in the flower bed. you are good. but take it to the next level.

maybe post something you played recently instead of something 15 years ago?

btw i never take offense to anything. i know i suck at guitar and can always work on improving my playing.


He did, the tsunami tune... ^

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Originally posted by red|dragon


that one sounds better. i can hear improvement so congrats! but the scale thing and the phrasing and some other stuff still applies


I respect your skill at playing, but I long ago outgrew the need to follow the fashion and earn the respect of other student players at Berklee for rendering the "in" styles, licks and phrases as closely as one can duplicate them. If you think I should sound like you, because that's what you like a player to sound like, then your comments make a whole lot of sense from that perspective, but what you are saying is the same as telling Peter Diesel that he doesn't know how to build an amp because it doesn't look, sound or operate like a Marshall JMP. Hey, you got the knobs in the wrong place and 4 channels, why that's ridiculous....


You could say the same things about any accomplished player who has a creative approach to playing, and they would mean just as much. They just don't apply. You are criticizing art, not some attempt to copy an example of another person's music or style, and if I'm ever inspired to ab lib in a fashion that's similar to your ideals, that may happen, but only when it suits my needs...


I don't imagine the style you play, but if I did, I'd have to play it.


I tend to think that your music sounds like a series of prefabbed licks, all learned by copying them from a well known player or several well known players and then crafted together to make a somewhat coherent musical collage of them, because I've heard that all already and played in exactly the same manner. There's two types of players...guys like yourself and SRV, and guys like me and........well anyway, I know what I'm doing and I know how to play, and I play what I want to play the way I want it to sound like. You cannot apply your subjective opinion to it in the form of criticism. That's dishonest. You're young and somewhat inexperienced and simply have not learned enough to know better. I bet you like the things Allan Holdsworth plays, although most people do not, and yet nobody questions his exceptional ability to play the guitar, they just don't get any enjoyment from his music. I like the things Neil Young plays, but I don't think he has all that much skill as a guitarist. I would even say his playing sucks, but his music doesn't-the same can be stated about Kurt Corbain-shitty playing but the music was good.

So, like I stated, I just play what I want to hear, and if I want to hear music I didn't create, then I listen to someone else who likes to create music play it. You craft music using prefabbed parts, and I don't. I don't think music should sound a certain way and be contrived through the use of established and cliched licks, and currently popular conventions. And BTW, it would take hundreds of hours to play through all the licks I know, and unless the music was continuously morphing through styles, keys, tonalities and changes, many of them would not be what the music calls for.


That being said, I bet you can just rip in a guitar store, because you seem like the type who knows a thousand classic riffs and solos made famous by their implementation in the music you copped them from. But, you ain't no Charlie Parker. He owned his licks, all of yours are borrowed.


I could be wrong, but your example displays a series of copped and well practiced licks that are obviously drawn upon from memory, which is what 99% of what all players do who aren't creative. Technically, that makes you a draftsman or an engineer of music, but not an artist. I also think you believe you are the best and that you set the example which all others must emulate.

This is pure delusion on your part. My advice for you is to rephrase everything you know while still making it sound good until you develop an original character to your music that will be unmistakable in terms of being recognized as something you, and only you would play. But, these replies are just an exercise for me because I really don't care what you play or how you play it, and I don't care if you'd play what I play differently than I would because you believe that's the right way to play it. There is no right way....it's all subjective and not otherwise.


In fact, the only real criticism that had any basis for being voiced was about the mix, the tape hiss and the repetitive nature of the chord progression. Everything else was not valid in the least.

You need to grow up and quit being a Nazi with your subjective opinions. Expand your mind a little beyond your narrow pont of view. And while you are at it: Why don't you tell me how to part my hair, I'm sure you know the right way to do it. I don't expect you to understand this for a long time. You're too narcissistic at this period in your life. But, you play very well the things you play and one day you may have the ability to play from the heart rather than be a recitist of conventions of style recalled from wrote memories, or maybe that's simply not possible for you. No matter what, don't get caught up in trying to become creative, you might get lost without sticking to playing established ideas and not having a ready made blueprint to go by. There are a lot of players like you, all very skilled at reproducing established musical ideas, and all sounding very similar and interchangeable with one another within their prefered domains of style, and literally a dime a dozen. If you had an artistic and creative mind for music, you could be the next Holdsworth, Satriani or Vai. But that's not who you are. You're a follower of trends and fashions, and you are damn good at it.

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Originally posted by Paragraph51

I respect your skill at playing, but I long ago outgrew the need to follow the fashion and earn the respect of other student players at Berklee for rendering the "in" styles, licks and phrases as closely as one can duplicate them. If you think I should sound like you, because that's what you like a player to sound like, then your comments make a whole lot of sense from that perspective, but what you are saying is the same as telling Peter Diesel that he doesn't know how to build an amp because it doesn't look, sound or operate like a Marshall JMP. Hey, you got the knobs in the wrong place and 4 channels, why that's ridiculous....

You could say the same things about any accomplished player who has a creative approach to playing, and they would mean just as much. They just don't apply. You are criticizing art, not some attempt to copy an example of another person's music or style, and if I'm ever inspired to ab lib in a fashion that's similar to your ideals, that may happen, but only when it suits my needs...

I don't imagine the style you play, but if I did, I'd have to play it.

I tend to think that your music sounds like a series of prefabbed licks, all learned by copying them from a well known player or several well known players and then crafted together to make a somewhat coherent musical collage of them, because I've heard that all already and played in exactly the same manner. There's two types of players...guys like yourself and SRV, and guys like me and........well anyway, I know what I'm doing and I know how to play, and I play what I want to play the way I want it to sound like. You cannot apply your subjective opinion to it in the form of criticism. That's dishonest. You're young and somewhat inexperienced and simply have not learned enough to know better. I bet you like the things Allan Holdsworth plays, although most people do not, and yet nobody questions his exceptional ability to play the guitar, they just don't get any enjoyment from his music. I like the things Neil Young plays, but I don't think he has all that much skill as a guitarist. I would even say his playing sucks, but his music doesn't-the same can be stated about Kurt Corbain-{censored}ty playing but the music was good.

So, like I stated, I just play what I want to hear, and if I want to hear music I didn't create, then I listen to someone else who likes to create music play it. You craft music using prefabbed parts, and I don't. I don't think music should sound a certain way and be contrived through the use of established and cliched licks, and currently popular conventions. And BTW, it would take hundreds of hours to play through all the licks I know, and unless the music was continuously morphing through styles, keys, tonalities and changes, many of them would not be what the music calls for.

That being said, I bet you can just rip in a guitar store, because you seem like the type who knows a thousand classic riffs and solos made famous by their implementation in the music you copped them from. But, you ain't no Charlie Parker. He owned his licks, all of yours are borrowed.

I could be wrong, but your example displays a series of copped and well practiced licks that are obviously drawn upon from memory, which is what 99% of what all players do who aren't creative. Technically, that makes you a draftsman or an engineer of music, but not an artist. I also think you believe you are the best and that you set the example which all others must emulate.

This is pure delusion on your part. My advice for you is to rephrase everything you know while still making it sound good until you develop an original character to your music that will be unmistakable in terms of being recognized as something you, and only you would play. But, these replies are just an exercise for me because I really don't care what you play or how you play it, and I don't care if you'd play what I play differently than I would because you believe that's the right way to play it. There is no right way....it's all subjective and not otherwise.

In fact, the only real criticism that had any basis for being voiced was about the mix, the tape hiss and the repetitive nature of the chord progression. Everything else was not valid in the least.

You need to grow up and quit being a Nazi with your subjective opinions. Expand your mind a little beyond your narrow pont of view. And while you are at it: Why don't you tell me how to part my hair, I'm sure you know the right way to do it. I don't expect you to understand this for a long time. You're too narcissistic at this period in your life. But, you play very well the things you play and one day you may have the ability to play from the heart rather than be a recitist of conventions of style recalled from wrote memories, or maybe that's simply not possible for you. No matter what, don't get caught up in trying to become creative, you might get lost without sticking to playing established ideas and not having a ready made blueprint to go by. There are a lot of players like you, all very skilled at reproducing established musical ideas, and all sounding very similar and interchangeable with one another within their prefered domains of style, and literally a dime a dozen. If you had an artistic and creative mind for music, you could be the next Holdsworth, Satriani or Vai. But that's not who you are. You're a follower of trends and fashions, and you are damn good at it.



Dude - wasn't the title of this thread "Anyone care to comment on my playing on this clip?? "


R/D 'commented' - you don't have to like what he said, but respect his opinion, I broadly agree with him. I respect your skill as a guitarist - you sound like you can play faster and cleaner than i can, R/D does too, as does TypeDeaf - you can probably rip up those scales faster than any of us, but personally I didn't find much else in the clip posted to admire and it was no more 'original' than RedDragon's clip; so i'm confused why you'd attack him for that.


Sure that's my personal taste, but everything boils down to that in the end. If you like what you hear - that's great, if you want people to comment on your playing, don't expect everyone, or in fact anyone to kiss your ass. You know what you're doing right I'd assume and being as this is the "lesson loft" I'd assume you'd be interested in hearing what people think you are doing wrong?


You asked for 'comments' and you got them. The general jist was that your 'creative and original' licks tend to sound like fairly linear scale exercises - the kind of thing i fall back on when i want to inject some blinding speed into an improvised solo, but IMO and that of others here it doesn't hold much interest when you over-use it. You have great chops, but the critism leveled at the clips posted is valid. If you're not interested in taking these comments on board then why post the clip in the first place?

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Originally posted by Knottyhed

Dude - wasn't the title of this thread "Anyone care to comment on my playing on this clip?? "

R/D 'commented' - you don't have to like what he said, but respect his opinion, I broadly agree with him. I respect your skill as a guitarist - you sound like you can play faster and cleaner than i can, R/D does too, as does TypeDeaf - you can probably rip up those scales faster than any of us, but personally I didn't find much else in the clip posted to admire and it was no more 'original' than RedDragon's clip; so i'm confused why you'd attack him for that.

Sure that's my personal taste, but everything boils down to that in the end. If you like what you hear - that's great, if you want people to comment on your playing, don't expect everyone, or in fact anyone to kiss your ass. You know what you're doing right I'd assume and being as this is the "lesson loft" I'd assume you'd be interested in hearing what people think you are doing wrong?

You asked for 'comments' and you got them. The general jist was that your 'creative and original' licks tend to sound like fairly linear scale exercises - the kind of thing i fall back on when i want to inject some blinding speed into an improvised solo, but IMO and that of others here it doesn't hold much interest when you over-use it. You have great chops, but the critism leveled at the clips posted is valid. If you're not interested in taking these comments on board then why post the clip in the first place?



The criticism was of a subjective nature presented under the guise of objectivity. An honest person would have admitted to that fact. It's not important to me to play faster than other players, nor is imitating the manner in which other players choose how to play or phrase their ideas and conventions of any importance to me. I simply play what I play as I want it to be played, he has a problem with that, and likewise I have a problem with listening to faceless music that denies recognizable ownership. So when a player who exclusively uses prefabbed ideas that can be found in a book or learned from a video, asserts an opinion about something he has no ability to do himself, I see it for what it is. The biased opinions of someone who must rely on institutionalized ideals, like using a ready made pie crust, instead of making one from scratch without a recipe due to understanding how and what a pie crust is, and isn't at the point where they can be their own master without having a blueprint to follow. But, you become what you do..and if you rely exclusively on established stylistic cliches unchanged from their textbook representations to construct your music, then you will be forced to rely on them forever, and always remain a reproducer of what's generic and store bought. It's like making a car using the parts from another car, versus designing that car and all it's parts to suit your own specific individual uniqueness.


Hell, all he wants is to be a good player, and he is. He plays the established conventions as well as the best, am simply pointing out that he has no uniqueness that would make him stand out.

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Well this is your's and R/D's arguement really:


I agree that R/D's clip wasn't astoundingly original - hell I thought his comments were more than a little blunt and if it were me I'd have been a bit pissed off. But I loosely agreed with much of what he said and thought his phrasing and note selection was more pleasing than yours...


You're a *very* good guitarist, that much is evident, but you're not the best guitarist on this forum... so be prepared to take a knock or two when you post a clip for people to comment on :).


Having said all that - i can see why you're pissed, R/D did come accross unneccessarily arrogant in the way he posted.

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P51, why even bother posting? You obviously arent open to criticizm. I think you are a little dellusional. If your playing contained any "unqiue" phrasing or "original" ideas, then they must have been lost in the poor mix over the hiss. I just dont get how you can say r|d's post sounded "textbook" when I can hear what appears to be very cliche playing in your pieces you posted. You listed Vai as original. Okay...Vai is very much what he learned from both Satch and Zappa and a lot of EVH mixed in as well as his schooling from Berklee. No one is original. You just take stuff in and spit it out with your own flavor and if you are lucky, it doesnt sound like everyone else. I believe you are trying to be original, but its just coming out like a million other guitarists that I have heard. But dont take that as an insult. You dont right now seem to have that little bit of uniqueness that would earn you a trademark, but in a band I think you would be an excellent musician. If you think you do, try listening to Rusty Cooley, Francesco Fareri, Rob Johnson, Shawn Lane, Niels Vejlyt, Derek Taylor, Scott Stine, Andy Timmons, etc. They all shred like Jason Becker on crack and in much more original ways. I think any major city in the US will have at least a dozen guitarist just like those guys too that probably have just as much technique. I know you are probavbly pissed that there are so many good guitarists out now days that you might feel under appreciated and lost in the crowd. Again, you mentioned Vai, Satch and Holdsworth. Do you think any of the clips you have presented are as memorable as say ..."For the Love of God" or "Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing"? I know you arent trying to emulate those guys, but you do at least see that those songs have things that we have all pointed out as missing in your playing? I am starting to wonder if you arent just intentionally baiting r|d and others for fun with your ridiculous comments. And look, I dont compare myself to you. Maybe you are "better" than me for whatever reason. To be honest, I think I could play anything I heard from you so far. But why does that even matter? Does anyone who critiques your playing have to be "better" than you to warrant any validity? Thats just plain silly.


Here is a small sample from the middle of a song I am working on. I dont want to release the whole thing because I have some paranoia about people stealing material.

Small Sample of Song

I know theres a million players out there better than me. But that doesnt stop me from wanting to play. Who does that sound like? Vai? Becker? Friedman? An average wanker that wants to get better and aspires to at least some day be able to produce something half as good as his influences? Who cares?

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Paragraph51 reacted really badly to R|D's critisism but in a sense I can see why. R|D's post could have been condensed into one line:


"Play more jazz"

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typedeaF - nice tune! Great playing, I can hear some early Vai coming through, and not just in terms of tone and melodic choices, but in terms of being wildly creative with rhythm and phrasing. You must have had fun writing that. :)


I also think your attitude is spot on, and agree that music is not a competition - we're all just doing our best, and can always get infinitely better...



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Originally posted by typedeaF

.....Here is a small sample from the middle of a song I am working on. I dont want to release the whole thing because I have some paranoia about people stealing material.

Small Sample of Song

I know theres a million players out there better than me. But that doesnt stop me from wanting to play. Who does that sound like? Vai? Becker? Friedman? An average wanker that wants to get better and aspires to at least some day be able to produce something half as good as his influences? Who cares?

I gotta agree, i for one know i've got a long way to go before i'm half as good as i want to be, and there's a million guys that can play fast - still i used to think i was a pretty good player until i started coming on this forum and realised there's *alot* of people*alot* better than me.


Being as i brought a pod today i thought i might post something myself. Just an improvised solo over an tune i wrote a while back - volume swells at the start are off beat and there's a couple of mistakes in there; but that's probably reflective of my general playing :p


my pod song


I warn you now - i have little idea how to mix, and not much more of an idea on how to play guitar

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I don't mean to lean one way or another here. Both you guys are playing great for the 'style' you're playing in.


The main different between all the clips is not what or how it was played, but...r|d's is shorter.


If the first one was that short the first one would be on par with the r|d's. And, if r|d's was as long as the first one, it would be as "redundant" sounding as the first.


Either way...to much of solo'ing in one style can be boring to the listener...all the chops are on the table before the butchers done swinging the cleaver. IOW, listeners will listen longer until it's more of the same thing...especially guitar solo's.


You guys ought to get together, pick a backing, then trade solo's. It would have more variety than anything posted so far.


Other than that you both need to throw some real melody into the mix. Sure, you're both as 'melodic' as the term gets, but I'm not left whistling any melodies at the end of the day.


Both of you jump right in and never let up "that sound".


Spread it out a bit or do a colab to keep it interesting.

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Originally posted by gennation

I don't mean to lean one way or another here. Both you guys are playing great for the 'style' you're playing in.

The main different between all the clips is not what or how it was played, but...r|d's is shorter.

If the first one was that short the first one would be on par with the r|d's. And, if r|d's was as long as the first one, it would be as "redundant" sounding as the first.

Either way...to much of solo'ing in one style can be boring to the listener...all the chops are on the table before the butchers done swinging the cleaver. IOW, listeners will listen longer until it's more of the same thing...especially guitar solo's.

You guys ought to get together, pick a backing, then trade solo's. It would have more variety than anything posted so far.

Other than that you both need to throw some real melody into the mix. Sure, you're both as 'melodic' as the term gets, but I'm not left whistling any melodies at the end of the day.

Both of you jump right in and never let up "that sound".

Spread it out a bit or do a colab to keep it interesting.



Best post yet.

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Originally posted by gennation

I don't mean to lean one way or another here. Both you guys are playing great for the 'style' you're playing in.

The main different between all the clips is not what or how it was played, but...r|d's is shorter.

If the first one was that short the first one would be on par with the r|d's. And, if r|d's was as long as the first one, it would be as "redundant" sounding as the first...

Both of you jump right in and never let up "that sound".

Spread it out a bit or do a colab to keep it interesting.






I enjoyed both clips. I like both styles as well. PG151 has a raw, aggressive rock style which I love. RD is more rehearsed and planned sounding. reminds me of an 80's LA studio sound ala Lukather (that's a compliment as Luke is awesome of course!). But that chromatic sound can sound forced like sticking a square peg into a round hole. Chromatics for me are like a spice. But it's subjective.



PG151, I think the playing was great. I wish it were more upfront in the mix to hear the tone better as already stated. But I can hear the notes and you're playing and it sounds very good. Once you get to a certain point as players, this stuff is (again) all subjective because your own personality comes through.

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Originally posted by red|dragon

first off, you are brave for posting yourselt playing. most people on hc don't have the balls...

but im going to tell you what i think and if you get mad so what, im just trying ot help you improve:

- rhthym guitar is too loud, wish i could hear you more

- sounds like you are just playing up and down scales as fast as you can

- seems like you are playing a lot of the same thing over and over again

- again the scales. it sounds like you definately know your scales, but it just sounds like you are playing scales.

- not really much of a build in your solos, you need an ultimate climax and i just havent reached it.

- reminds me of yngwie malmsteens playing sorta. stop listening to him, there is better music out there lol

- your playing mostly the same note lengths, let some notes ring out

- you are playing way too many notes.

- silence lets the music speak

- im not impressed by your speed

- you play a lot of the same licks over and over again

- maybe try some different techniques

- learn how to sweep pick?

- notes are flying too fast, let them ringout

- there is no emotion in your playing with just notes flying out as fast as possible

- the only person who is going to care about your playing is other guitar players

- don't you want to mezmorize the average person who may or may not play guitar?

- you use absoltely no chromatic notes

- chromatic notes make music interesting, sounds like you are just practicing your scales in this song

- add chromatic notes to spice it up a lot

- try different groupins of notes instead of just playing scales

- practice playing intervals, play minor 3rds, major 3rds, 4ths, 5ths etc...when you practice your scales so you can have some other things to work with.

- play more melodically

- use different phrasing

- tell a story rather than just showing everyone your practice routine

- make melodies, just because you are soloing doesnt mean you can't make new melodies other than the head

listen to this mp3, you'll see what i mean:








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