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I want to get into shreading - how should i proceed?


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I'm really want to get into shreading, but I really need some advice on what stuff I should be concentrating on. I think i have a fair general idea of what to do but I want suggestions on websites and books.


My current impression is that I should be practicing scales, appregios, and sweep picking.


But anyways, this is what I specifically do during my practices:


1. I have a scale chart and do major, minor, pentatonic, etc.. scales. I also do chromatic scales till the nerves in my fingers sting.


2. I do sweep picking exercises but i only know of like 3.


that's about it currently. So, any suggestions?



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For some basics (and not-so-basics!), check out my 'speed' series here in the Lesson Loft.


If you're completely new to focused technical practice, you might want to pick up Troy Stetina's Speed Mechanics book (it's geared towards rock/metal, but the fundamentals apply to other styles as well), and Jamie Andreas' guitar Principles.



For more serious technical development, check out my first book, 'Raising the Barre'.


Note: If you're a beginner, that one's not for you! (at least not yet, anyway)

Gennation (another forum member) has a bunch of lessons online somewhere, but I don't have the URL handy. Hopefully he (or someone else) will see this and post the link.

And of course, you're going to need a metronome and an endless supply of batteries for it. :D

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Originally posted by hhsuey

I'm really want to get into shreading, but I really need some advice on what stuff I should be concentrating on. I think i have a fair general idea of what to do but I want suggestions on websites and books.

My current impression is that I should be practicing scales, appregios, and sweep picking.

But anyways, this is what I specifically do during my practices:

1. I have a scale chart and do major, minor, pentatonic, etc.. scales. I also do chromatic scales till the nerves in my fingers sting.

2. I do sweep picking exercises but i only know of like 3.

that's about it currently. So, any suggestions?


Get a metronome (if you don't already have one). Practice playing cleanly and accurately and IN TIME, focus on this more than on going fast, the temptation is to cheat when trying to develop speed - but you'll develop bad habits that make you sound like ass when you play fast and loose control of what you're doing - nothing sounds worse than someone "wanking" out of time to the beat, with ringing notes and uneven attack. I should know, as I spent the first 10 years of my playing 'cheating' when i practiced and not using a metronome and that is a decade of bad habits that i'm still trying to undo.

Buy some recording equipment, it'll help you log your progress and also enable you to hear what you're doing right, and what you're doing wrong. It's an ego-killer, but ultimately recording yourself will make you a better guitarist.

If you don't already, get some 'shred' type albums of players like Vai, Garsed, Satch etc. etc. etc. simply listening enough will help you absorb ideas by osmosis over time. Try and learn some of their stuff - start with the simpler hooks and melodies. This is the stuff that gives your solo playing meaning to the listener.

If you want to get good fast - look to practice around 4 hours a day (if possible), but don't just jump in. If you practice 20mins a day now, work up gradually or you'll injure yourself.

Ideally, find a good teacher :thu:

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Different people learn better different ways. Not to knock Auggie or his contributions in the slightest, but I tried the series out of curiosity a few weeks ago for about a week and it actually hindered my speed because I gave up my normal practice routine. Try Auggie. Try the speed mechanics. Try everything you can get your hands on, but pay attention to progress. If you dont see progress, even minimal, then try something else. Shreeding will only come by practicing playing fast often. Build dexterity, stamina, and speed. Get used to alternate picking and the other techniques. Develop finger independence. I personally still think the Paul Gilbert Intense Rock video is all you need to get well on your way, but it may not work for you. AND, buy a metronome, this isnt really an option. :p

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I've been trying to increase my speed to the shred level for a couple of months now. It's going to take a while, but I've definitely seen improvement by doing the following:

1. Practicing scales using a metronome. Major, minor, pentatonics, and chromatics.

2. Using Stetina's books.

3. Using "burst" methods. That is, focusing on a spot on a particular scale and playing it as fast as possible.


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The Paul Gilbert Intense Rock video is a good place to start. It's very informative. It can also be motivational, it was to me any way. Things are explained clearly, and played at both fast and slow speeds. I've had this video for probably 10 years, and I'll still watch it every now and then for a refresher.

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Do Gilbert's videos come on DVD? Looks like its VHS or bust.

If I can't throw it in my computer, slap on my headphones and rock, forget it.


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Originally posted by hhsuey

I'm really want to get into shreading, but I really need some advice on what stuff I should be concentrating on. I think i have a fair general idea of what to do but I want suggestions on websites and books.

My current impression is that I should be practicing scales, appregios, and sweep picking.

But anyways, this is what I specifically do during my practices:

1. I have a scale chart and do major, minor, pentatonic, etc.. scales. I also do chromatic scales till the nerves in my fingers sting.

2. I do sweep picking exercises but i only know of like 3.

that's about it currently. So, any suggestions?


Who's your favorte shredder? In order to put in the time and discipline required, you have to be highly motovated. If you don't have a specific target in your head you will lose interest. I suggest (if you haven't already) find a guitarist who is to you what shredding is all about. Listen to him, study his playing, buy his videos, CD's, etc. If you don't have this my feeling is you will slack off in a couple of weeks and just accept defeat.
My 2 cents. ;)


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