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How to approach modes will this work?

Dr S

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I have I think a pretty good grasp of the major and minor pentatonic scales and the blues scale...


I believe by adding notes to the relavant either Major or Minor pentatonic then I will be creating a modal scale. With me so far?


So I should be able to add a couple of notes to a Minor pentatonic shape to make the Aeolian mode.


I think Dorian is a major mode? If so then I can add a couple of notes to a major pentatonic to get this mode.


I think by doing this I should be able to see the character notes from each mode and therefore work out how I can use them when I'm soloing.


Am I mad?


Tips on what to start with? I'm thinking as I play lots of Bluesy Rock stuff, Mixolydian, Dorian and Aeolian is good starting point?

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That's more or less how I approach modes

you can derive the aolean and dorian easily from the minor pentatonic

lydian and mixolydian from the major pentatonic

i get most use from the dorian and mixolydian, lydian is cool too, aolean is natural minor, also nice to learn your harmonic minor

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You are mad.

Dorian is a minor mode. It corresponds to the ii chord in a key, like Dm in key of C.


Dm, Em, and Am are minor modes.

But, seriously, I know where you are going. Dorian is a mode (a minor mode) in a major scale.

You are correct that you can add two notes to the pentatonic scale and get the major scale.

So it's pretty damn simple isn't it?

If you know the scale shapes (modes) then jam over some progressions and use it. Follow the chord tones by ear or play your mode over the chord it relates too, like Dorian over that Dm chord in key of C.

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Awesome, you're just the kind of guy I'm looking for...

You have somethings right, and you have some things wrong.

I have a knew tutorial I'm working on dealing with Diatonic Theory...by the way...Confusious says "no understand Diatonic Theory, no understand Modes".

If you read it, you will learn A LOT of the stuff you NEED for Modes. This is the stuff those little fretboard diagrams really mean.

It's all lumped into one long read right now (about 11 parts) and will be sectioned apart shortly. And, it's note quite complete yet...there about 5 parts that aren't complete yet.

But, it will give a very comphrensive look at what you seek and some more stuff that might take you a LONG time to figure out on your own.

Check it out here

If you have questions, find something that doesn't make sense, or bad spelling, etc....please let me know.

But, to delve into modes you need to understand chords also as they are a major function of modes, amongst many other things.

Let me know if you don't want to check it out. I'm looking to help you and have you help me with some feedback. Thx

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Yes you are right I have a lesson of this on my site. Go to my site then go into the "Lesson Zone" and look for the lesson entitled the Pentatonic's Relationship to the Major Scale.

PS the notes you add to the minor pentatonic scale to make it a aeolian scale is a Major 2nd and a b6th.


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