Members Dimebag666 Posted August 3, 2006 Members Posted August 3, 2006 okay so i'm starting to learn some more on the theory side and want to know which scales are good where. I've learned the natural minor and harmonic minor and looking for where to go. Minor pentatonic i suppose is the next one i should learn. I play metal and although probably not yet good enough to say that i play it my favourite styles are power metal and prog. SO what scales would be best suited for that style. Diminished? Melodic minor? Or should i start learning the modes. I'm still shockigly bad but hopefully im improving. Thanks for your help guys.
Members Little Dreamer Posted August 3, 2006 Members Posted August 3, 2006 If you're "shockingly bad" as you say, you should probably stick with pentatonic minor, the natural minor scale and the blues scale and just work on getting your basic skill level up before you start worrying about different scales and modes. Then in a year or two you could get into the modes, besides aeolian (natural minor), there's also dorian and phrygian. Those are your minor modes which are used most often in metal. Then there's harmonic minor and phrygian dominant, which is a mode of harmonic minor.
Members UnderTheGroove Posted August 3, 2006 Members Posted August 3, 2006 The chords you are playing over will usually dictate the scales/modes you can use. If you already know natural minor, start learning the major scale. Once you know major, you can work your way through the modes. At the same time, learn about harmonizing (creating chords) the major scale. They tie into each other.
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