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Right Handed or Left Handed??


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I have a dilemma - that probably doesn't have a clear answer - but I want to hear from anyone with an opinion. I'm learning to play the acoustic guitar (and totally loving it). I'm left handed and have never played an instrument before, so I decided to learn right-handed.


My thoughts are that the guitar is an ambidextrious instrument, requiring different talents from each hand. If a person can type - which requires different things from each hand, wouldn't it be the same? I'm doing fine, in fact, have picked up the chords very nicely. My strumming could use some help, but I'm not sure if that's because I am only 3 months into this adventure.


I'm taking a group class and the instructor came unglued when he found out I'm a lefty on a right-handed guitar. My best friend has played for years and thinks I'm OK.


Thoughts please..........

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I'm lefty who learned righty, and I'd argue it's an extremely good idea to play right-handed. You're right that guitar requires skills from both hands, and if Steve Morse (a lefty) has a poor right hand, I'll eat my guitar. Some reasons include: you'll want to be able to play your friends' guitars (who will all be playing righty), guitar instructional stuff is written for right-handers, left-handed guitars are more limited in range and often more expensive, leftys are generally much more ambidextrous, so both hands are more than capable of learning complex skills, etc...

I have no idea why your instructor came unglued when he found out you're lefty - perhaps he just hasn't come across it before, but I strongly believe you'll be better off playing right-handed.

In terms of strumming, I'm assuming your instructor has given you the basics - how to swing your arm with some wrist rotation, swinging evenly like a windshield wiper, ghosting strums, etc... If not, let me know...

In order to get confident with your strumming, I'd suggest listening to some of your favourite songs with a strong beat (start simple), and finding the pulse of that song - where you'd tap your foot. Each tap will correspond to a down-strum, so mute the strings with your left hand and try strumming along in time. You may need to tap your foot twice as fast as normal to find a comfortable strumming speed.

Once you're comfortable doing that, try adding in some up strums in between the downs. Focus on keeping your arm swinging evenly, and if you get lost, just go back to down strums only.

Hope that helps,

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Well it's nice to get some confirmation on my thoughts - I just don't feel like playing right-handed is some magical trick.

Thanks a ton for the strumming advise - I will take it!


Originally posted by raemar1

My thoughts are that the guitar is an ambidextrious instrument, requiring different talents from each hand. If a person can type - which requires different things from each hand, wouldn't it be the same?




You're exactly correct on this. I'm a lefty who plays righty too, and it has never hindered me. I teach a lot of beginning guitar students, mostly right handers, and they certainly have no advantage with strumming and picking because of their right handedness (in fact, picking and strumming is one of the weak things for both lefties and righties I've taught).

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Originally posted by wu ming

Don't lefties find it harder to fingerpick with their weaker hand?

Good question, I think you need to pick with your most dextrous hand which to a left hander is you left, not right. Surely it's more difficult to have the same degree of control being a leftie, doing the elaborate stuff with your right hand?

Maybe you are in fact ambidextrous and are able to play either way! What I will say though, is if playing this way works for you, keep going and good luck.:)

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I write left-handed, but play a right-handed guitar; ironic thing, though, as your left hand is what ends up on the fretboard.

But when I play the keyboard, I'm more comfortable with my right hand....


If your comfortable playing your guitar right-handed, then keep doing it; don't worry about the instructor flipping out over it.

Originally posted by Phonic Soundry

Good question, I think you need to pick with your most dextrous hand which to a left hander is you left, not right. Surely it's more difficult to have the same degree of control being a leftie, doing the elaborate stuff with your right hand?

Maybe you are in fact ambidextrous and are able to play either way! What I will say though, is if playing this way works for you, keep going and good luck.

I've always been a pretty good fingerpicker. My left handedness has never caused me to have any real deficiency in my right hand.

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Originally posted by raemar1

I have a dilemma - that probably doesn't have a clear answer - but I want to hear from anyone with an opinion. I'm learning to play the acoustic guitar (and totally loving it). I'm left handed and have never played an instrument before, so I decided to learn right-handed.

My thoughts are that the guitar is an ambidextrious instrument, requiring different talents from each hand. If a person can type - which requires different things from each hand, wouldn't it be the same? I'm doing fine, in fact, have picked up the chords very nicely. My strumming could use some help, but I'm not sure if that's because I am only 3 months into this adventure.

I'm taking a group class and the instructor came unglued when he found out I'm a lefty on a right-handed guitar. My best friend has played for years and thinks I'm OK.

Thoughts please..........




i say play right... left handed guitars are rarer and more expensive.

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As a lefty I'm not sure I buy the play a righty its just as easy theory...cause yall know then righties would all be playing lefties...plus there are plenty of left handed guitars out there and if you get standard guitars like fenders I don't think there is much of a price difference...plus...being lefty makes going to guitars stores actually more exciting imop, like being on a treasure hunt...and will possibly make you appreciate and love your plundered "booty" more...

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Calling something 'right handed' or 'left handed' on the guitar always seemed backwards to me.

Think about it; if your a right hander; your non-dominant left hand gets the more difficult taks of fretting chords, bending strings, ect, while your right hand has to make a relatively small up/down movement. How the {censored} does that make sense? :freak: You'd think that would be called left handed.

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i'm a lefty who started playing righty, then switched to lefty for 9 years, got tendonitus in my right wrist, and is now playing righty again.
i don't think it matters.
lefty guitar players have to drive 50 miles to compare two strats, which sucks soooooo much


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