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Best Shred Book/Video Sweep Arpeggios


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I would also recommend Speed Mechanics - my view on it is probably not the best for sweep per se, but really good overall.


"Shred Guitar: A Complete System for the Rock Guitar Improviser" has some cool sweep licks and has other techniques like legato and alt. picking.


The DVD "Frank Gambale Monster Licks and Speed Picking" is not good for overall technique, but has a lot with economy picking.


I don't have the DVD "THEODORE ZIRAS:

SWEEPING ALL NIGHT LONG VOL. I" but it looks like it has a lot sweep licks in it. (really big sweeps too like a lot of 5 string sweeps) It is on my list of things to get.


A really insane book that I will probably never fully appreciate is "Sheets of Sound for Guitar". This book is about 250 pages and almost every page is tab exercises. It has about every technique you can think of - except rhythm from what I remember.

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Like dsimon665 said, sweep picking isn't speed mechanics' strongest point,

but it is a great book. It explains everything in a very thorough manner,

and helps you build a good technique and improve your playing - all you

need to do is practice...

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Originally posted by gennation

I had one of the Michael Angelo videos in the 80's. He does a real good job explaining things.



Perhaps the one you are speaking of is Speed Kills. If so I totally agree - he really does explain everything clearly. My wife was really impressed with his knowledge of music theory but he doesn't complicate things.


It's available on DVD (along with a followup) at metal method.com - and since he was voted the fastest shredder of all time, he's a worthy master to learn from.


I'll also mention that I learned a lot JUST WATCHING the video and the guy do his thing. Tons of close ups of his hands (par for the course for a guitar video).


He has some silly voices on there too which keep things from being boring.



Side Note: His singer back then was Jim Gillette - they were both in Nitro - and in Gillettes video Vocal Power, Jim VERY CLEARLY has a foil-wrapped cucumber, or a microphone down there, or else he is a God amongst men.

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Originally posted by gennation

I had one of the Michael Angelo videos in the 80's. He does a real good job explaining things.

Gambales are good too. THey'll give you a work out.


Both these guys have some good stuff.



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Originally posted by red|dragon

Never overestimate.

I'm looking for anything I can get my hands on. I'm an X-jazzer learning death metal.


You have been corrupted.


Away Satan! Begone!




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