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help with modes for a sec?

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I want to know the phyrgian mode of Gb.


The major scale of Gb is:


Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F


The phrygian mode is b2 b3 b6 b7


So I flatten the 2nd 3rd 6th and 7th notes on the scale and get:


Gb G A B Db D E.


izzat right?


And while im asking, ive looked throught the links above and was looking to find a comprehensive lesson on the modes of the melodic minor. If anyone can help me with a link, id apprecaite it.



Sorry if this wasnt worth a new thread, you can spit on my ancestors. :(

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what you listed is g phrygian... which is the phrygian scale starting at Gb.... the phrygian mode of Gb is the phrygian scale starting from Cb.

but you got it basically


Originally posted by Jawbreakerr

what you listed is g phrygian... which is the phrygian scale starting at Gb.... the phrygian mode of Gb is the phrygian scale starting from Cb.

but you got it basically



That's not correct. Gb phrygian would start on Gb. The Gb major scale starting on Bb would be Bb phrgyian (not Cb, which would be Cb lydian).


Originally posted by Dr spoosponge

I want to know the phyrgian mode of Gb.

The major scale of Gb is:

Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F

The phrygian mode is b2 b3 b6 b7

So I flatten the 2nd 3rd 6th and 7th notes on the scale and get:

Gb G A B Db D E.

izzat right?



Almost... the 'theoretically correct' way to spell it would be:


Gb Abb Bbb Cb Db Ebb Fb Gb



In any 7 note scale scale, there can only be one of each letter name, and no doubles.


However, for all practical purposes, reading Abb and Fb and the such is just painful, so if you respell the scale to F# phrygian, you will get a much easier to read scale:


F# G A B C# D E F#


Two sharps vs. four flats and three double flats. Easy choice there.


Also, the Gb phrygian scale would techinically from from the Ebb major scale, which doesn't really exist, since it would enharmonically be D major, and why bother with needless accidentals when you have the simple and common key of D already?


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