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I thought I'd post a brief review of PlaneTalk by Kirk Lorange since there are no reviews online (other than some cryptic 2 paragraph endorsements).


Overall, I think PlaneTalk is very good to near excellent. It is not for the beginner, but a novice or intermediate should be ready for it. There have been many comparisons between PlaneTalk and the "CAGED Method." There is some serious merit to this; although Lorange's PlaneTalk is similar to CAGED in its general framework of seeing the shapes of the movable chords on the entire fretboard. After that, I'm uncertain as to how similar they really are.


The basic framework of PlaneTalk focuses on the musical relationships between the movable chord shapes and the intervals of the major scale triad, I, III and V. On the one hand, PlaneTalk does what it is supposed to do: offer you a "trick," as Lorange puts it, to crack the fretboard. Indeed, his method is simple, consistent and foolproof. On the other hand, if you--as a consumer--are looking for a panacea to making better or more music by tearing up the entire fretboard, PlaneTalk is not your answer. Instead, PlaneTalk will give you a framework for which you use to attack the fretboard. It is NO substitute for hard work and practice.


The issue has been raised on many forums about the secretiveness and pricing of PlaneTalk. These are obviously business judgment decisions that, as a consumer, I am not privy to. The secretiveness is somewhat suspect in my opinion--but hey, I bought the thing without really knowing what I was going to get. For me, if the price was any higher than the $70 tag, I would have said no way because it would be too risky. Today, I am a professional

with a very comfortable income...so I bought the product. Five years ago in law school I would not have shelled out $70.


I could see the price being a big factor for many people, but it's hard for me to give an opinion about it. On the positive side is the fact that PlaneTalk includes the book, DVD, and slide rule as well as membership access to a useful Planetalk online forum. I'm sure many people have spent $70 on as few as 2-3 lessons. With this material you will always have it available. Also, the $70 includes very fast shipping from Australia. The real downside is not knowing, exactly, what you're buying.


At the end of the day, I am very satisfied with this product. I do, however, think the DVD could contain a few additional examples or exercises for the reader to put into practice. That would certainly increase the value of the package. Also, I understand and share complaints about the secretiveness of the product. The marketing leaves you wondering if you're thinking about buying snake oil. My response is the product does deliver and I do not feel cheated. But again, I would caution that if you are a prospective purchaser thinking this book will probably not instantly make you play better or understand the fretboard. It does provide you with a great way of looking at the fretboard and you have to do the work from there. Simply put, if you think the fretboard is beyond explanation or overwhelming (you get lost), PlaneTalk can really help you.


All in all, a great product.


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