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Blues scale over major chords

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this is probably old news to a lot of you, but I found you can come up with a lot of cool licks playing like a D blues scale over a g major progression or just playing the relative minor blues scale is there any other cool blues tricks to play over major chord?

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Try playing these over Gmajor:


-Gmaj triad, Cmaj triad and a Dmaj triad


-go up a 6th and play Emin pentatonic


-up a whole step and play Amin pentatonic


-up a 3rd and play Bmin pentatonic


-add the b5 for a Lydian sound and play G Lydian (or Dmajor scale)


-up a fifth and play a Dmajor7 arpeggio along with the Gmajor7 arpeggio


-up a b5 and play a Dbm7b5 arpeggio


-up a major 2nd a play a Amajor arpeggio along with the Gmajor arpeggio and Dmajor arpeggio


-down a half step and play F# minor pentatonic (this is the 4th pentatonic you can use)


Then if you want to go out a little bit more play:


-go to the 6th and play E melodic minor


-add a b9 to the major scale and play a A major scale


-and the list goes on and on...


Be careful with some of these. It's not necessarily the notes that are in them, but how you play the notes. In and out. In and out. Don't get stuck out. You'll sound like {censored}. Always come back in after you go out.

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The G Major and D Minor are basically tied together as two tetra chords that create a G Mixolydian scale.


The G tetra chord is G A B C and the D Minor tetra chord is D E F G


G A B C + D E F G = G Mixolydian


I'm sure the "G progression" you're playing is really based as a G7 chord/progression. If so, the D Minor (Pentatonic or other wise) would fit.


Here's a little blurb about it, as it related to modal jazz and other things: http://gennation.jconserv.net/viewtopic.php?t=32


I have very in-depth write up about things to play over the dominant chord (from a rock, blues, country and jazz perspective) at me lesson site...it's the Advanced Pentatonics Tutorial...this will open up some serious doors for you if you have a Pentatonic background... http://lessons.mikedodge.com/


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