Members Roadrat Posted January 30, 2007 Members Posted January 30, 2007 First of all I would like to say hi and what a great site you guys made this to be...What I need help with is I have come to a large wall and not sure where to go or what to do next I have been playing now for a year and I can do open chords, barre chords can play loads of half songs the problem is when you start learning you know what you have to do, you learn chords and strumming so I did that, no problem Now there is the wall and now I am not sure how to get over it, I don
Members biebs99 Posted January 31, 2007 Members Posted January 31, 2007 Your situation sounds exactly like mine.....The wall that I can't seem to climb over or around. My instructor looks at me like I am crazy. The only thing that I can think to do is to look for a diffent instructor who will bring a new angle to learning. Definitely interested in hearing any other feedback or suggestions that others may have.
Members Blackwind Posted January 31, 2007 Members Posted January 31, 2007 If you are working on learning how to compose melodies there are a lot of different routes you can take. I would recommend listening and memorizing some of your favorite musician's melodies and then transposing those melodies into guitar melodies. Pick any catchy theme song or what have you and try to play that. Through the process of note elimination you should be able to narrow down a certain region of frets on the guitar that resemble whichever melody you are playing. Once you get the first note down you go on to the next one by "sensing" where the next note should be.Another option would be to learn some simple chord formations and string together some chord progression to form a melodies. Just make sure you use a variety of chords. Don't overuse the power chords simply because they're easy to play If you decide to take the theory route then I believe the Major and Minor scales are where you'll want to start. Learn those and you should be able to start composing some basic melodies in no time. Once you get that down there are an infinite number of things you can learn to aid you in melody composition.Good luck
Members Roadrat Posted January 31, 2007 Author Members Posted January 31, 2007 Another option would be to learn some simple chord formations and string together some chord progression to form a melodies. Just make sure you use a variety of chords. Don't overuse the power chords simply because they're easy to play Good luck any idea where i can get this information?
Members Blackwind Posted February 1, 2007 Members Posted February 1, 2007 I'm going to steal Gennation's source and recommend Start out at the top with Intervals then once you gain a solid understanding of that, work your way to Chord Construction. After that you can work your way to Chord Progressions, but I wouldn't worry about that until you've developed a good understanding of chord formations. If you have questions about anything feel free to ask.
Members geeoff Posted February 1, 2007 Members Posted February 1, 2007 THE WALL. Everybody hits it, and you'll run it to again. From experience I can tell you that. For years I used to play punk rock, I probably learned 50 songs throughout those years. Then I felt like you do, "where do I go now?" It was at that time I got into heavy metal. Suddenly I was playing all the time. Now, I'm not saying learn heavy metal, but for me It was new and fresh, and it was a more complex and technical than the punk i was playing. Basically what I'm saying is LEARN SOMTHING NEW. There's so much information out there it can be overbearing, but all you have to do is pick one thing that you can't do right now, and learn it. Once you have a good grasp of one thing, you can start learning another. Just make sure you occasionally review the things you've learned. You said you just bought an electric and want to learn some leads, so why don't you get some transcriptions of songs you like and learn the leads? Yes, you'll suck at playing leads at first and you'll get mad and frustrated, but you just gotta keep practicing. Try finding a lead that you think you can play, somthing that's simple. Along with this I HIGHLY SUGGEST you start learning scales. Start with the minor pentatonic. You can find diagrams of scale shapes all over the internet, just do a search on google or somthing. Learn the first pentatonic shape (There's 5 in all, that cover the whole fretboard), then search for some exercises for the scale. Reapeat for the other 4 shapes of the scale. Once you've got pentatonics down pretty good, move into the Major scale and its modes. Just go through the same process that you used to learn pentatonics. Scales are the basic framework for learning to solo, learning them is somewhat boring, but 5 years from now you'll be glad you already learned them. I also reccomend you spend time just noodleing on your guitar, thats how you learn to write your own stuff. For example try putting a couple of chords together in a progression, try different ones till you find somthing you like. Try different strum patterns. Push yourself to try somthing you haven't done yet. I hope this helps and isn't just incoherant ranting, the last thing I'll say is when your stuck, bottom line, just learn somthing new, anything, it doesn't matter what, as long as you're playing, now go grab your guitar and play somthing, now, hey! go, why are you still here?
Members gennation Posted February 1, 2007 Members Posted February 1, 2007 I'm going to steal Gennation's source and recommend out at the top with Intervals then once you gain a solid understanding of that, work your way to Chord Construction. After that you can work your way to Chord Progressions, but I wouldn't worry about that until you've developed a good understanding of chord formations. If you have questions about anything feel free to ask. Hey thanks, man!FUndamentals are important before you jump into the middle of something.Also, if you have any questions...I here pretty much everyday so I, or the other brainiacs here, can surely give you good answers.Thanks again for the mention Blackwind (it's hard plugging in every thread )
Members Dubb Posted February 1, 2007 Members Posted February 1, 2007 Just for the record, I pumped your site on this other guitar forum that I hang out at just a few days ago.. it really is a good and well-written site, IMO
Members Roadrat Posted February 1, 2007 Author Members Posted February 1, 2007 hay lads thankyou that was great help geeoff that was great id agree with you i need that shove though thanks gennation what you mean by this FUndamentals are important before you jump into the middle of something what do you suggest i should start with to find out about chorde progression and melodys
Members Burningleaves Posted February 1, 2007 Members Posted February 1, 2007 First of all I would like to say hi and what a great site you guys made this to be... What I need help with is I have come to a large wall and not sure where to go or what to do next I have been playing now for a year and I can do open chords, barre chords can play loads of half songs the problem is when you start learning you know what you have to do, you learn chords and strumming so I did that, no problem Now there is the wall and now I am not sure how to get over it, I don
Members Roadrat Posted February 2, 2007 Author Members Posted February 2, 2007 Start learning to play in the "style" you want to play. A bit early to say that as as i said im confused in what to do so style to me means nothing yet as i feel you must be able to play properly first to play your own style
Members Blackwind Posted February 2, 2007 Members Posted February 2, 2007 Hey thanks, man! Thanks again for the mention Blackwind (it's hard plugging in every thread ) No problem, its a great site Roadrat - What style(s) of music do you listen to? Who are your favorite musicians or guitarists.
Members Roadrat Posted February 3, 2007 Author Members Posted February 3, 2007 Roadrat - What style(s) of music do you listen to? Who are your favorite musicians or guitarists. I have no style yet just playing campfire stuff like songs we all know american pie ,take it easy ect stuff like that, who i would like to play like is Rory gallagher "I wish" what i also like is and trying to learn is Samba pa ti by Carlos Santanna stuff like that i woud love to be able to play ILL Dream on shall i?
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