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How to practice properly


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The problem I think I (and a lot of folks) have is how to practice properly. The internet has opened up such a wealth of techniques, etc. There is so much material available that I'm constantly being pulled in multiple directions of what works, what doesn't, etc. I never know how much time to spend on things, how many ticks on the metronome I should be moving it up each day, each week, etc.



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That's a problem.




Work on one or two things at a time.


Stick with it until you master it.


How do you think Yngwie became Yngwie?


Not just by eating jelly donuts.

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Set goals for improvement.


Work on a 6 month span... set goals on things you want to accomplish. For one example:

Increase scale speeds to 120 (currently 80 lets say)


Identify a mid-point. In 3 months you should be to 100


Then identify quarter points: By the middle of month 2 you should be to 90 and the middle of month 4 you should be to 110.


This is just an example. Set a reasonable time frame for goals and then give yourself short term goals to accomplish. Organization is the hallmark of good practice. Try to juggle several things, but don't take on too much.

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The internet sometimes give us too much information. It's just overwhelming. How do we even know if it's correct information?


Everyone's practice is different and people will progress at different levels.


Advice: Stop using the internet.


What you are looking for is called structure. You can try to build a structure yourself, but it's a lot easier for someone to just flat out give you one and set everything up for you.


It's hard to answer your question without knowing how much time you have available. Are we talking 10min a day? 6 hours a day? How much time do you have to dedicate to guitar?


Start your metronome at 70. I don't care what "level" or "speed" you're on. It doesn't matter. You should start with quarter notes, then 8ths, then triplets and then 16ths with ALL the scales you know and ALL the Arpeggios you know. When it is perfectly smooth, move to the next level. You will hit a peak eventually. Some number that you just can't do the 16ths at. So what do you do. You stay on this number. It could be for 3 days. It could be for 2 weeks. It could be for 365 days. I don't know. You don't know. How much time do you spend on this? Depends how fast you want to move. Then again, what are you really accomplishing be being able to play fast? It's a shame that this day in age we judge someones "goodness" on how fast they can play. Anyone can play fast. It's not hard. You just practice playing fast all the time. Then when you can do it, it's all you do.


A more difficult challenge, try to play less. Use as few notes as possible to create a melody. Really look at your rhythm. Good music has interesting rhythm. Do you always play in 4/4. Why not try 3/4 or 5/4 and try playing off beat.


So stop looking at every guitar website. You arn't going to get better by just reading every website. Set aside some time and study the guitar. Yes. STUDY your instrument.


But to really get into any more detail, we need more from you. Too many people just post in the lesson loft. Help. I'm stuck. I don't know what to do or where to go. What should I do? What should I practice?


What are you trying to achieve? Your practice routine will be different for different situations.

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I set goals regularly.......in a month, I want to recognize what a scale is,lol. I'm hoping to establish some practice routines with my teacher this Saturday. I noodle at least two hours a day right now, but though my playing is a little smoother, I need to learn how to read music to get where I want to go. Good luck to ya.

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The problem I think I (and a lot of folks) have is how to practice properly. The internet has opened up such a wealth of techniques, etc. There is so much material available that I'm constantly being pulled in multiple directions of what works, what doesn't, etc. I never know how much time to spend on things, how many ticks on the metronome I should be moving it up each day, each week, etc.




Progress in what area?

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What music drives you nuts? What music sets your soul on fire? Figure that one out and spend as much time as possible listening to htat music, playing along to that music, learning about that music, learning the songs, the tricks, the works...


Follow your passion! {censored} everything else!


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