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slapping and popping a guitar

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i'm trying to learn this on my guitars, as opposed to on basses, which i don't have any of. i looked at a couple lessons for slap bass, but some of the techniques can't be transfered well onto a guitar. anyone have any tips for it?

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Slapping is pretty hard on guitar since the strings are so much closer together than on bass. However, you can slap to a certain extent on the low E string. Basically just fret the note and then smack the hell out of it with the side of your thumb so that the string "slaps" against the fretboard.


Popping is a lot easier. It can be done on any string, but it sounds best (well, most like a bass) on the low E and A strings. Fret the note, then with your picking hand thumb or index finger, lift the strings up and away from the pickups and release them so they "pop" back against the fretboard. It's the same concept as slapping, and it sounds about the same, but it's much easier to do on guitar IMO.


Both of these are much easier to do while playing fingerstyle. In fact, you can't really do them if you're holding a pick, although I suppose you could go hybrid-style and use your middle/ring fingers to pop the strings. I haven't tried it.

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Why not just buy a used Squier bass to practice it on? Or is it because you WANT to do it on guitar? I understood your post as: I can't afford a bass, therefore I practice it on guitar.

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Must be 10 or 20 years since I first heard some guy doing slap on a Strat. Somewhere along the line since then I think to myself I'm a drummer, how hard can this be? Well short story shorter, several years later I still can't get even a bar of it going. :D


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