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Good to hear you made it.
You simply gotta fill us in.

Ugh...you don't want details! :p

But since you asked, I was in an accident that smashed in the upper left part of my chest, snapped ribs, chewed up muscle, poked holes in my lung, and nearly punctured my heart. I was lucky, actually, as another fraction of an inch and I would have DOA. But damn, it was mighty painful!!!

It first looked like a straightforward recovery, until my bones and soft tissues decided to heal themselves at differing rates, thus putting lots of strain and tension on the whole area, and collapsing over and over again, setting me back each time. They tried plastics, titanium...basically I had scaffolding built into my torso to keep things in check. :D Being in a hospital so much led to catching a couple of those nasty infections that won't quit, and a whole slew of other complications.

Adding it all up, it took me well over a year to finally get a clean bill of health (except for the really cool lump in my upper pectoral area that will never go away!), which is why I was away for so long.

Are you sorry you asked? :p

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I just got to this now. Holyyyy!
Well I had to know. Wondering just nags on. Sorry if I was a little blunt back there. Sheesh.
It's good you're back amongst the living. If it's any consolation my alternate picking's coming along. :D

Congrats on your recovery. :thu:

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I just got to this now. Holyyyy!

Well I had to know. Wondering just nags on. Sorry if I was a little blunt back there. Sheesh.

It's good you're back amongst the living. If it's any consolation my alternate picking's coming along.

Congrats on your recovery.

Thank you! Glad your picking is improving! :D

No need to apologize about being blunt; I've kept my sense of humor through all of this crap, and don't plan on giving it up any time soon. :p

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Hello back at you new guys!

Hey Jed--why can't I attach a pdf file here? It's well under the stated limit of 100kb, but it won't seem to upload. Poparad was as baffled as I was.


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Hi Auggie, glad to hear you're OK. Sorry to hear about your accident, not to mention the lost playing time!


I'm still enjoying Raising the Barre, it's a never ending source of inspiration!




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