Members -MBro- Posted December 10, 2007 Members Posted December 10, 2007 Im looking for some suggestions to improve my soloing. The first videos solo is improvised and the second is writen. I'd like to ad more interesting textures into my playing. [YOUTUBE]RO50hu3e9Pg&feature=user[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]jWT-0Q0rVDo&feature=user[/YOUTUBE]
Members Dubb Posted December 10, 2007 Members Posted December 10, 2007 First video: I liked the improv. It's not really my style, but I thought it sat well within the song. Nice tone, too. No real complaints. The song overall had a cool vibe. Second video: I like this one a lot. Feels very "airy," reminds me of Flying In A Blue Dream. I could listen to this again. No complaints regarding the solo, I enjoyed the atmospheric style. :thu:
Members -MBro- Posted December 10, 2007 Author Members Posted December 10, 2007 Thanks for the compliments.
Members Zeppelin Rules Posted December 11, 2007 Members Posted December 11, 2007 That was really really good. No joke if you had an album in stores I'd get it. That first one sorta reminded me of something Shawn Lane would write.
Members GreenAsJade Posted December 11, 2007 Members Posted December 11, 2007 Crap, that was excellent! I was green listenting to it, and I don't even really like that kind of music. About the only thing I'd say is that in the first one you could do with moving on from the basic theme quicker, but maybe throw in more explicit references to it later. Ironically, the second one seems like the one that's improvised: it seems much more like noodling with a nice sound than playing a tune (the first one stuck with its theme and varied it really nicely the whole way). I don't actually really know what the "theme" (basic melody) of the second one was. GaJ
Members -MBro- Posted December 11, 2007 Author Members Posted December 11, 2007 The second song has an intro and outro that are mostly improvised. Everything inbetween is written. Thanks for the ideas. So far I agree with all the point each of you have made.
Members Knottyhed Posted December 11, 2007 Members Posted December 11, 2007 Hey, you're a really good guitarist - but you asked for critique, so I'm going to tell you what I thought was wrong as opposed to what was right First track... the start (which wasn't really your solo I suppose) sounded too repetitive and obvious to my ears, it wasn't a very interesting theme and it went on too long. Playing wise you displayed some tasty chops and good phrasing, but you do the same thing I do (and every who isn't blinding virtuoso does) when playing fast - it's quite linear, maybe look at ways of playing more interesting intervals? Recently I've been trying to learn to shred at speed using pentatonic patterns, kind a bit like EJ does and come up with sweep ideas that aren't actually arpeggios per-se... again in an attempt to get away from that linear 'I'm playing an exercise' sound that most people seem to have when they really go for it. I also felt that some of the phrases didn't quite fit in timing wise - but that is hardly surprising for an improv. Overall though it was great stuff and I was impressed - I am being hyper critical, but I'm guessing you want that?Track 2, I felt could've done with being played more legato... the attack just felt a bit too strong in places, I felt the way you were phrasing the lines could've sat better with the feel of the tune. I also feel that the song/solo as a whole didn't build the way it should do, you really held my attention for the first half of the track, but after that my mind started to wonder and the song didn't seem to be going anywhere. I think maybe you should look to restructure the song to give it a greater sense of coherence. Still it was a good track, more like Bret Garsed than Satch I'd say.Anyway, again, great stuff, and again, I'm being hyper-critical and am sure I could do no better myself. Also, they're just my opinions - I may be completely wrong LOL
Members gennation Posted December 11, 2007 Members Posted December 11, 2007 Very nice stuff. Band sounds great. Since you're an advanced player using a lot of the Major scale patterns. I can help you with a few things that would suit your music nicely. That's a 3 Part Series covering a method many people use for getting out of the "linear scaley" sound. It's the way guys like Vai and Satch take those 3nps patterns and turn them into TONS of Penatonic scales and how to create even more using string skipping...creating "interesting intervals" as Knotty suggests. The string skipping kind of creates modal/Pentatonic arps that you wouldn't get playing linearly. It deals with Lydian up front but shows you how to look at quite a few of the other modes/patterns too. When you're done with that I have a Part 4 that's almost done, it will show you how to take those new scales and utilize them with across the fretboard a few different ways: Also here's a great technique that you've heard a lot of people use that will add more to the solo's: That's a 2 Part lesson on an Indian Sliding technique that you've heard many people use. It will definitely add some flare when incorporated into some of your lines. I think these things would help give your playing some new views and references as well as new sounds. Have fun!
Members Stazinish Posted December 11, 2007 Members Posted December 11, 2007 Video no longer available?
Members -MBro- Posted December 11, 2007 Author Members Posted December 11, 2007 Video no longer available? Ive had that mesage before.Seems like just a temporary glitch. try it again.
Members 1001gear Posted December 12, 2007 Members Posted December 12, 2007 This stuff isn't the usual show and tell. There's a lot to consider before I pan it. Right off the bat though, I like the tone you use and the way you use it. Has a touch of that nasally, Gambale, compressor 'sound'. Wish you'd divulge some of your tone secrets.On the downside, the guitar flights, uh, lack flight. They tend to reset every 4 bars. I call this GIT syndrome. It's a generalization of 80s hero stuff where the solos would always go:1e and a / 2 e and a / 3 e and a / HOLD ...... /1 e and a / 2 e and a / 3 e and a / HOLD ...... / ...etc.The problem is you have to be Paganini AND Beethoven. None of 'em ever made it through Paganini.When you take 50 bars, you gotta resize for 50 bars. Simple.The other thing that caught my ear is the lack of ensemble intensity and the consequent imprecision. I know it's just a casual example clip, but I point this out because it does show and it reflects negatively on the group.That's about it.
Members -MBro- Posted December 12, 2007 Author Members Posted December 12, 2007 Thanks for the string skipping ideas gennation. I like working with the lydian skeletons. Thanks to everybody for their thoughts. I have been carefully considering each critique as I listen to the song. 1001gear your comments had me thinking alot. I can hear that many of the phrases in the solos are following aproximatly the same length. As far as the tone I think maybe the compression you hear is from the recording gear we used since I am not using any compressors. Also my amp is faced into the drums that are mic'd and suspect some phasing got into the guitar sound
Members -MBro- Posted December 17, 2007 Author Members Posted December 17, 2007 For me sitting down while playing is a different experience than standing. This song is a more recent composition. The part with all the feedback is meant to be the drum solo. [YOUTUBE]LVD2QJAwOpM[/YOUTUBE]
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