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Starting again for the first time

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Long one coming...


So I've been playing guitar off and on for 8-9 years now. When I started learning I just played rhythm and that is all I have really ever played. I took lessons but all that my instructor ever did was spend our lesson transcribing whatever song I wanted to learn.


My ability to strum, pick, alternate pick and those sorts of things are really quite good, but I never learned scales or any lead skills on guitar. I actually am just finishing a degree in vocal performance so I know theory and all that, just never have really taken actual method based lessons.


My question is, I am looking for some method books to start learning to play lead and read music (not tab, and I can read music just can't sightread on guitar). Anybody have any recommendations? I have looked at the Berklee method and I like it, but I thought I would see what others have had success with before I got too in depth into it. I'm willing to spend money so I don't need free online lessons if there are better options. Thanks for reading and sorry for the long post!!

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I mostly play alternative and rock stuff. I don't mind learning anything though (jazz, classic rock) as long as it helps me understand the instrument well and be able to read music, and not just tab. Thanks again!

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Regardless of the style you want to play, if you want to be able to use your head to extend what your hands can do - the Berklee Method is a great series.


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Is the Berklee Method this series "A Modern Method for Guitar, by William Leavitt"?

I've been trying to work through the Mel Bay "Mastering the Guitar" series.
Do you all think the Berklee Method series is better? Why?


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