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Proper vibrato technique?


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Hi! I tried searching for this but I couldn't find the answer so I created a own thread for it, sorry if it has been discussed already. But anyway, what is or can be considered as a proper way to do the vibrato thing? Is there any law for it :cop:? I'm only wondering because nearly everywhere people are talking that you should pull your hand downwards and use your wrist to move the string. Nobody has mentioned upward motion except for the higher E-string obviously.


I myself have learned to do it like pushing upwards with my fingers (I can't figure how much my wrist does actually) and it is easily controllable and sounds good to me. But if I pull downwards, it sounds like Angus Young live on steroids which I don't like that much :freak:. When playing fast stuff it's very difficult to slow the vibrato down so it wouldn't be that nervous frenzy, but with upward pushing it isn't that intense if I really don't want to play it that way. Can there be any physical risks or will it hold me down in future if I don't learn to vibrate like most people seem to do? Or should I continue to do what I feel is the best way to express myself? Thank you for your time :thu:.

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personally i'd go with what sounds right. experiment a lot with different techniques so you can have more options for different situations and sounds. i tried learning the bb king vibrato, and i got it down to a degree, but after a while i just went my own way, doing what sounds and feels right, which for me is sort of a flutter, but i keep my thumb on the neck and some of it comes from my fingers, not just my wrist.
a lot of different techniques seem to happen that way. you spend a lot of time and energy focusing on it, then after a while it sort of happens without thinking about it as a technique, but rather as an extension of your own musical expression.
if you're worried about carpal tunnel, just remember to warm up for a few minutes, stretch out frequently, and don't push yourself if it hurts or feels too awkward.

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paul gilbert explains it best in one of his videos. he basically says your vibrato comes from moving your whole hand in the the wrist, kinda like pivoting on the neck of the guitar. it's hard to explain it but if you get a chance to see it it's really good.


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