Members animal69 Posted May 10, 2008 Members Posted May 10, 2008 Hi I have a guitar teacher that wants to teach me to create improvised solos over a I-IV-V progression. Right now we're using A major as the tonic, and wer're skipping E. So we're just going from D to A to D to A .. .etc ... What he wants me to do is create a set of licks I can pull out at any moment. But what's really the hard part, for me , is that he wants licks that focus on the *changes* from A to D to A. So these riffs should be base on the A major pentatonic scale (A B C# E F#) with a D thrown in when I'm playing over the D chord. He also says that I should stick to the chord tones for the chord I'm playing over (A C# E for A and D F# A for D). So the rest of the A major pentatonic tones are in their as spice. So this seems simple enough. But I'm so much of a perfectionist I have trouble picking out licks that I would want to use over and over again ... And as far as dealing with the changes from D to A to D ... the only thing I can really think of to emphasize the change is to land on the tonic for the chord as the chord changes (i.e. land on A when the chord changes to A and land on D when the chord changes to D) What else can you suggest? Are there any standardized licks for playing over these chords in the A maj pentatonic scales? Are there any standardized ways of emphasizing the changes with the melody?
Members frankiej Posted May 10, 2008 Members Posted May 10, 2008 presuming your sticking to just regular major chords. Instead of just focusing on the tonic you could also go on the 3rd and the 5th of the chord since major is made up for 1,3,5(triad). or just record yourself playing and see what notes work best with the progression.
Members mosiddiqi Posted May 10, 2008 Members Posted May 10, 2008 as stated above, you can target the 3rd and 5th as well. The below example should help, not the greatest lick in the world but does get you from A to D!!!..landing on the F# which is the third of DMaj..give that F# some attitude! |------5-7b9----------| |----5-------5---7----| |-/6-----------6------| |---------------------| |---------------------| |---------------------|
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