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Help me take playing to next level

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So I've been playing for a pretty long time (around 12 years or so). Most of my time has been spent playing with tabs and by ear. I have a small amount of knowledge in theory. I feel pretty comfortable with Major keys, and I understand pretty well how they work. I have been playing a little bit of the piano. Again mainly by ear and stumbling on "patterns." I really want help moving to the next level though. Does anyone suggest a particular book/course/idea that would move me that way? I get frustrated because it feels like I'm between levels. I'm not an expert by any means, but I'm certainly not a beginner and it seems like no matter what book I buy, I end up reading 90% stuff I already know (not that 10% is not worth it, just frustrating.) I'm pretty confident that with enough time I can learn most songs, but I really want to get away from mimicing and into creating...


I want to learn to make things interesting, composing, chord subsititution, augments, modes, minors etc. I really appreciate any help

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If you know the Major scales and chords, you are a far way along. Relative minors are just the Major scales and chords 'reordered' based on the minor sixth of the Major scale (C major scale is the exact same thing as the A relative minor scale). So, by knowing the major scales, you already know the relative minor scales. You probably already know the minor pentatonics (and the major pentatonics work bascially the same as the major/minor scales). And with that you have the gateway to major modes - which are just another way of applying the major scales to the underlying chord progression. From there it does get complicated - as I'm doing the same thing in taking music lessons for music theory and better improvisational playing. Once you get into harmonic minors (not too bad), melodic minors (ahhhh), and chord substitutions, you are in the pure music theory realm (and jazz). Realize that most musicians never get past the basics (major/minor/diminished chords and their relatives (sus4, 7, M7, m7, dom.).


My suggestion here would be to get a teacher. If that fails, and I'm sure he will plug, plug, plug, try Mike Dodge's site. :)

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okay, thank you. I guess my thing is there are things that I hear, and for whatever reason there will be a chord change or a key change, most of the time I'm not exactly sure what happens but something in that song moves me (goosebumps etc.) and I find myself asking how that just happened and what can I do to utilize it so I can move people like that. I do have gaps for sure...I guess a teacher would be the best way to find them and fill them in. I live in a small town so that might be tough...although my friends dad is brilliant...I hear Antoine Dufour does classes by video chat on the internet!!!

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If you have that kind of background, look here for some new stuff/views/concepts/etc you can work into your playing:


http://lessons.mikedodge.com/ (namely the On Topic section)






Those are all put together to show the guitarist new things besides straight Diatonic Theory and some things to help you be inspired too, now that the Pentatonics and 3nps ideas are sounding redundant.


Also, run this search link to find all the different lessons I've done here at HCLL this year: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/search.php?searchid=4212258

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If that fails, and I'm sure he will plug, plug, plug, try Mike Dodge's site.

Haha, just caught this. Yeah, I guess it's pretty common thing around here :) Just trying to keep people moving ahead in their playing and help them through the tough times :)

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check out joe pass`s first teaching video he basicly starts off with Cmaj,Am,Dm,G7.or 1,6,2,5.and then proceeds on to do an hours worth of subsititutions based on that basic chord progression, plus he was a funny guy,well worth the watch.





Some seller from the free adds,

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I logged on specifically to say check Mike's site out, I'm glad you already have. I did last night for the first time and checked out the Lydian section. I am totally blown away by how simple the concept is yet how fantastic it sounds. I'm already doing stuff like "Flying In A Blue Dream" only like by an amputee on valium. It'll get there, though. I can't believe I went to the next level literally overnight and it wasn't difficult. Thanks, Mike!


Here's a pay site with a lot of free lessons as well. There is a lot of cool stuff here:


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I logged on specifically to say check Mike's site out, I'm glad you already have. I did last night for the first time and checked out the Lydian section. I am totally blown away by how simple the concept is yet how fantastic it sounds. I'm already doing stuff like "Flying In A Blue Dream" only like by an amputee on valium. It'll get there, though. I can't believe I went to the next level literally overnight and it wasn't difficult. Thanks, Mike!

Here's a pay site with a lot of free lessons as well. There is a lot of cool stuff here:


Hey, thanks for the kind words. I think it's a pretty simple but REALLY effective idea too :) Trying it over a Satch tune is definitely the way to go. I think that tune has the add9 chords in it too, so it's a dead ringer.

I have a Part 4 for the Lydian lesson, it's just not linked yet since I'm still getting the audio together. Here's it is: http://lessons.mikedodge.com/lessons/Lydian/LydianPatterns4.htm

That really really open a whole bunch of sounds up that you've heard Satch and Vai play. It's all right in that scale, using those ideas I've presented.


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