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How to trill faster

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I'm not sure if that's the preferred nomenclature, but I want to do my hammer-on/pull-offs faster. I'm an incredibly proficient player, but I've never seemed to be able to get my trills up to snuff. In fact, I've been covering it up for years by speed-picking through my solos. It sounds fine the way it is, but I'd like to have that one more thing in my arsenal.


Any techniques to get my left hand to move physically faster?

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I'm an incredibly proficient player, but I've never seemed to be able to get my trills up to snuff.



What's wrong with this sentence?

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You can slow down below any tension and gradually build back up and beyond.

Or if you are actually pulling off the string you have the choice of alternating down pulls with upward flicks - this should work, I haven't gotten around to developing it yet, Or as the speed and/or gain increases, you need only tap and lift.


Training issues, you gotta work out yourself unless you want to post video of your technique.


Or you can wait in line to pay Tom Hess.

Funny how thermodynamics works.

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I've found that I thrill my girl more when I thrill slower or at least start out slow and move up. Try for a slower, longer thrill. Those quick high speed thrills may be OK for you young guys, but after some experience you'll learn to appreciate a slower, more controlled thrill. Good luck. :love:

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Randy Rhoads made good use of this. Your irrational fear and suspicion of the Pick is clouding your usually excellent judgement in these matters. :):thu:

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You can always do the double tap... a la Mattias Eklundh... I do that occasionally.. you just hammer the note your trilling, and then tapping the same note with your picking hand finger (or pick or whatever).. say you're trilling a minor third... 3rd and 6th fret... you hold the index finger on the 3rd fret stationary, hammer and pull the 6th fret with whichever finger you feel comfy with, then tap the 6th fret with your picking hand finger and release.. it insantly doubles your "trill" speed.. I know it doesn't really help your fretting hand move faster... The only thing for that would be to methodically make your trilling motion smaller.... That is the only thing I can think of... But again.. I am not one to care how the result is achieved, as long as it is achieved.


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