Members SuproSuper Man Posted November 28, 2009 Members Posted November 28, 2009 hi all , I found two chord name finding software programs that aint too bad, they work on line which means you dont have to download them to your PC , maybe just book mark them if you find they may be of use to you... What i like is that every now and then you create a chord by slapping your fingers down on the fret board in some weird shape and if your chord naming skills are not up to snuff then these little software programs can aid you in identifying the chord and its name... I like the first one best, but i tried it and noticed that it could not name some of the odd chords i tried on it, and it only seems to work in standard tuning , so if you sometimes play with your guitar in different types of tunings then it wont be able to help you...But still i like it...its easy to link to first site - the second one is good too, and i think you can change the tuning too, but it does give some harder to interrupt names,,,not much , but lets say its not as easy to follow as the first program was... link to second site - anyway hope they are of use to you all ,,,cheers. yours supro-chord-naming-guy- cheers.
Members Mr Songwriter Posted November 28, 2009 Members Posted November 28, 2009 I usually use but I think I prefer those two, though I did manage to stump the first site a couple of times with some unusual chords.
Members Boy Posted November 28, 2009 Members Posted November 28, 2009 Thanks, that 1st site is sort of like a book on chords and scales. I think I stumbled across that site before. The 2nd one I need time to explore, and am not too familiar with it.
Members Steadfastly Posted November 28, 2009 Members Posted November 28, 2009 Thanks for posting. It's a neat little site.
Members SuproSuper Man Posted November 28, 2009 Author Members Posted November 28, 2009 I usually use . thanks Mr songwriter for posting that link , i tried your site and it got the chord that my first site couldnt name .. so now we have three sites that arnt too bad, hopefully between the three of them we should be able to find the name of any chords we toss at them.. anyone else find any cool chord name finder programs out there...? oh and FlipFlopFly you welcome anytime cheers.
Members Sikor Posted November 30, 2009 Members Posted November 30, 2009 I like these site too:
Members Oolimo Posted November 8, 2014 Members Posted November 8, 2014 Well some of these look a bit old school after the years... I'd be glad if you'd give this one a try: This newer one works in real time as you're entering spots on the virtual fretboard. You'll also hear what you're entering. Tells chord symbols for all inversions with or without slash chord writing, notes (on staves as well) and intervals. No "unknown chord" here. In addition there are lessons about different chord types and chord progressions, quizzes and more. Everything very modern and interactive (multi functional chord diagrams, progressions with several keys and various chord shapes,...). I hope you like it! By the way, there are always different ways to write a chord symbol. This one uses one way that is syntactically right, but sometimes you can use shorter writings, e.g. C9 is shown as C7(9). I choosed the longer writing to have a consistent syntax and a clear view what's in the chord. Also a beginner may not know, that C9 also contains the 7th... Be aware that the enharmonic button only changes the sign of the root note (e.g. Db <-> C#). The rest of the chord will be calculated based on the sign of the root note. E.g. Db7(#9) has Db F Cb E while C#7(#9) has C# E# Bb D## (which is right but awkward to read). However, you can disable double signs and Cb, Fb, E#, B# to show the enharmonic notes instead... A simple standard chord finder is implemented as well:
Members JonR Posted November 8, 2014 Members Posted November 8, 2014 It's better than others I've seen - but still not perfect. I understand that the program first has to assume that the lowest note is the root, but this leads to some crazy first choices. Users certainly need to read your advice in the guide about checking through the inversion options, and look out for a name that's simple. Otherwise, you get things like C/G getting identified as "G6sus4". G6sus4 is not even a sensible alternative (it might just be if there was a D note in the chord..). And D9#11/A was called "Am maj7(11,13)". No way! IMO, it should be possible to disallow some of the craziest names, because it's very rarely the case that any note in the chord could be root (that only really applies to dim7s, aug triads, and quartal chords). But I like the way it handles enharmonics, choosing the most appropriate or likely one given the other notes in the chord. Eg, switching a A# to a Bb as I entered the rest of an Em7b5 chord, or switching an initial Eb to D# as I entered a B note afterwards. I found it impossible to fool it in this respect. One glitch: I'm using IE9, and it doesn't play the full chords - sometimes just one note. (OK, I know I should get an upgrade or switch browser... )
Members Oolimo Posted November 12, 2014 Members Posted November 12, 2014 @JonR Thanks for your review! You're totally right. Well, at a certain point the human brain has to help out ;-) Maybe one day, when I'll refine some of my tools after filling my site with a lot more content, I'll think about how to make the chord analyzer recommend or disadvice certain chord symbols... I know about the audio playback problems, but didn't have the problem in IE9. HTML5 audio is not well implemented everywhere yet. Many mobiles don't accept playback of several sound files at once. It's very frustrating spending more time for workarounds for different devices/browsers than for the actual project, but it's on my to do list...
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