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There is no substitute for...


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Whenever a student of mine complains that something is too difficult, I'll reply: "only the first million times, then it gets easy."

Of course they'll laugh a little bit at that.

To which I respond: "You think I'm joking, don't you."

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On the flip side though...

When improv'ing you want to go in new territories...other wise you're not really improv'ing but just rehashing the same old repetitive, or "comfortable" is a better word for it, licks.

As a practicing improviser you should give equal time to repetition but also playing things you've never played before and ONLY following you ears, hands, and heart.

The repetition is what builds the techniques and dexterity's to get to where you're going when you're going some place you've never been before.

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...playing something a million times.

I think you need to insert "correctly" or "properly" or "with the right technique" in there somewhere. But I get your point.

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I think you need to insert "correctly" or "properly" or "with the right technique" in there somewhere. But I get your point.



If you play it a million times it will become "right".

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Whenever a student of mine complains that something is too difficult, I'll reply: "only the first million times, then it gets easy."

Of course they'll laugh a little bit at that.

To which I respond: "You think I'm joking, don't you."



Is this where the evil laugh sound-byte comes in?

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If you play it a million times it will become "right".

I agree broadly there's no substitute for hours on the fretboard, but I disagree that if you just do someting enough times you'll magically get it right. You have to practice it right to be able to play it right. Sure you might get lucky and figure out what's wrong, and eventually get it right. But you might not... you might just be really good at playing it wrong/sloppy, because you'll have burned it into your mind and hands that way. Even after a million times you still might not be able to play it the way you want or the way it should be. I think it's better to play it *correctly* half a million times.

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Practice makes perfect, right? WRONG

perfect practice makes perfect.

If you play something a million times and always make the same mistake then how much progress have you made?

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Are you sure you weren't one of my students? I use that line all the time.



hehe, I got that line in 4th grade from a substitute gym teacher showing us how to do free throws in basketball. For some reason it has stuck with me all these years. Are you my 4th grade substitute gym teacher?

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Practicing make perfect...perfect makes practicing...perfect practice makes practice...practice practicing perfect makes...


I'm confused!


A million times!


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