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Made it into GuitarPlayer magazine!

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Pretty darn happy about it too!


They reviewed my myspace tune "phatso" in the "editor boy's big8" column. Thanks 3shiftgtr for cluing me into that! Molenda said some good things and some good criticisms ... coming from him I'll take it! I am just happy to be in there!


Not meaning to brag or anything and not that recognition means everything. It's just a feel good/validation I am on the right path thing! Plus I know you guys share in the same passion and will generally GET IT more than the wife.



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I saw this late last night as I was reading my copy of GP while waiting for Somnus to arrive.


I was very pleased to see you receive the kudos. But my one beef with that column is that no matter how well done, he almost never can avoid saying something good without adding some (usually) nit picky criticism. sometimes Mr. Molenda is on target. Other times it seems he is just incapable of saying something good without finding fault.


Let me put it this way - I'm sure Joe Bonnamassa, John Mayer or Steve Vai would get pure glowing praise as recognized artists. But if they were just everyday unknowns, he'd nail Vai for lack of melody in his solos or his rambling compositions. I won't even touch the fault he'd find with the other two I've mentioned.


Having said that, Jeremy, I've heard your track "Phatso" and I thought his criticism was just a matter of taste. Purely subjective. I listened to your track weeks before the GP mention. all I thought when listening was basically "Great playing, and the guy has a sense of humor too."


Anyway, congrats!

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Congrat's- long overdue in my opinion!

FWIW, my own (unpublished) review, completed quite a while ago, was glowing - on the verge of envy - and not at all "nit-picky". Toronto should be proud of it's native son. Enjoy the accolades. I hear where you are coming from - the wife will never really understand - but that may a good thing. They keep our feet firmly on the ground!

Cheers and congrat's again!

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Thanks all! I really do appreciate all the comments. You guys are like some sort of bizarre, extended, never-met, family to me! Brothers in strings as it were : )

Brothers in strings indeed ! I like that :thu::)

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congrats, brother man!!! I am really proud of you...


I was in it around when they started that Big 8 thing.... Got a great review too... Ironically it was for a simple VOCAL tune I did back in the day... Weird how they pick the least relevant tune to review!! (at least in my case..)

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Very cool ! Great song too, I just checked it out.

So how does it work? Did you submit the song to GW or do they search for talent at random or something?


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