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Recommended Books for Learning

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Hi everyone,

Do you guys have any books you'd recommend for someone looking to refine their skills? I want a more extensive knowledge of theory and the fretboard, scales (mostly blues/rock), and finger training exercises, scales/arpeggios/etc.


Has anyone tried the Complete Contemporary Guitarist? http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Contemporary-Guitarist-ultimate-guitarists/dp/0739062905/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267817307&sr=1-2

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Come on over to http://lessons.mikedodge.com


The Beginners to Advanced Series will show you what you need to know, and will fill the gaps for you if your knowledge of theory is scattered. It's a 4-5 part course.


The On Topic Tutorials is PURE application for just about any style you're interested in. There's a ton for Rock stuff, check out the Advanced Pentatonic Tutorial and the Applying the Lydian Mode sections (it's not your run of the mill stuff).


There's also transcriptions that you can use for whatever reason you wish, Modal examples, technical exercises, stylistic approaches, etc, etc...music is what's it's all about.


If you want some hard core application concepts check my forum: http://mikedodge.freeforums.org/


Everything is ABSOLUTELY FREE!

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Try Troy Stetina's Speed Mechanics for skill and scale drills

Also try
and check out the lesson links as a compliment of the youtube section.

(gennation: 80% of the time I try to access your site I can't. Don't know if its my problem or not though

I'm actually going through Speed Mechanics right now, along with some of the stuff from the April 2006 (?) edition of Guitar World that features Steve Vai's updated 10-hour workout (if anyone would like me to scan it and post it up somewhere for download let me know!).

I will definitely check out that link as well, thanks!

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zen and the art of guitar, the advancing guitarist, fretboard logic



I've got fretboard logic; is the CAGED method really that worthwhile to learn?

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I've got fretboard logic; is the CAGED method really that worthwhile to learn?

It helped get me started, particularly on the basic chord shapes. I moved on to other things after that, but for beginners it's a fine system.

I'm still a beginner in lot of ways though. :lol:


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