Members GreenAsJade Posted March 8, 2010 Members Posted March 8, 2010 So - recently I submitted a transcription of Tomorrow in one thread, and asserted that you're not done transcribing unless you can play it in another thread. So here at last is me trying to play my transcription In a different thread, we were talking about mics and recording. Since I have two mics, I decided to put them both on the amp while I did this (one on each speaker, offset to the outside of each). I think I can tell the difference, and the AKG is worse. It interesting how neither of these really sound like the sound in the room. This is just guitar + amp. How can I do better, tone-wise? And of course, how can I do better playing wise? The first half is a little rushed, I know, and the first big bend, especially, misses. Other than that...? (I chickened out of the bent double stops a the end because I just floated my trem and my bends are bad enough without that to contend with!) GaJ
Members TrickyBoy Posted March 8, 2010 Members Posted March 8, 2010 GaJ,This is only the second time I've heard you play, and I thought this was really good. I mean, I don't have a whole lot constructive to add. The only thing that jumped out at me was that you might have been out of tune with the recording, when you hold notes (not bends) they seem sharp to me. It could also be that in trying to add vibrato, you're pulling the note sharp a little. Keep in mind I'm at work listening through laptop speakers....Otherwise, the bends were way better than the Comfortably Numb solo that you did before. Rhythmically you were pretty right on too. Just keep at it (lord know that what I have to keep saying to myself )
Members jeremy_green Posted March 8, 2010 Members Posted March 8, 2010 Your tone is a fair bit better so that's first. Just an FYI a SM58 has the same guts as a SM57 the difference is in field size and shielding. A 57 is much more shielded against sounds coming from the sides. Translation- it only hears what is directly in front of it (uni-directional). This is why it is so widely used for guitar miking. You get minimal bleed from the other instruments in the guitar channel. But if you are recording solo this is much less of an issue. Plus a 57 is very resistant to pressure damage so you can crank the amp without fear of hurting the mic diaphragm. So not surprisingly to me the 58 sounds better. The 58 is an excellent vocal mic (and one of the most widely used in live situations). Not the best for recording vocals in a studio but cant be beat live because it is so damn durable. I have seen those things chucked and smashed around and they take it and always sound great. Your playing; bends much better! I agree you may be a hair sharp on the tuning. You cant assume always that the recording is in tune to exactly A440. I usually listen for an open string or a strong E or A chord and try to tune to that when its out a shade. You are in need of vibrato for sure. Just give the note a little shake. Not like you are choking a chicken just musically, subtly. Dont be hard on yourself here. Vibrato is one of the last thing to develop and is the mark of a seasoned player. Just be aware of it and work on it. Overall nice improvement - you are doing something right so keep at it!!
Members GreenAsJade Posted March 8, 2010 Author Members Posted March 8, 2010 Thanks guys! I can notice the improvement too - largely thanks to the input from this place keeping me on the rails I'm working on the vibrato, I think it will start emerging soon That one was on the edge of what I can actually play (speedwise) so that's of course where "new things" got left behind I agree with the tuning thing, darn it. I noticed that too, _after_ I recorded it. That'll teach me that if I notice something I need to go back & fix it before posting GaJ
Members mosiddiqi Posted March 8, 2010 Members Posted March 8, 2010 GaJ..I pretty much agree with everything Jeremy said..regarding vibrato...this is a nice little vid from Earl Slick:
Members GreenAsJade Posted March 8, 2010 Author Members Posted March 8, 2010 Thanks Mo. I can never resist an opportunity to post this one: "One of the most important part of playing the guitar is bending the strings" That lesson turns out to talk more about bending than vibrato, though he's vibratoing the whole time. GaJ
Members meganutt7 Posted March 8, 2010 Members Posted March 8, 2010 GaJ, you have improved alot in a VERY SHORT time... THAt should be your most reassuring positive criticism from everyone.. It seems pretty universal... Your tone IS much better (and not just because of recording quality...Sounds alot more CONFIDENT, which adds TREMENDOUSLY to tone!!!)... Your bends are much better!! The attitude is good... Timing is not 100% perfect but a vast improvement (it's like 97%, and I am just being anal because you asked...) All in all, an excellent take on all counts!!!
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