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EVH - can't read and knows zero theory... how many times you heard this nonsense.

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What is there about this thread that seems to provoke disputes??

Maybe because people use ill-defined terms and talk at cross-purposes? ;)


Eg, the dumb "either-or" dispute about whether so-and-so "knew any theory" or not. What does it mean to "know theory"? To say that a great player never went to college, or never read a theory book, or can't read music, doesn't mean they "know no theory". If they are successful (as a musician) they know an immense amount of theory - they have to, or they wouldn't have made it. They just didn't pick it up the way someone on a college course would. (Although academic theory courses are also big on listening, naturally.) And they just may not know all the terminology for what they do that an "educated" musician would.

The Beatles famously guffawed at Wilfred Mellers' theoretical analysis of their "aeolian cadences". It didn't mean they didn't use aeolian cadences, or couldn't handle them properly. It just meant (a) they'd never heard that term before, and (b) probably never thought about breaking down what they did in that way. Their music would not have been worthy of such an analysis if they hadn't known their theory consummately - even if it was instinctive and subconscious (acquired by listening, copying, and trial and error).

You may not have studied English grammar at university, but you can (probably!) speak English as well as anyone who has. It's possible to absorb all the necessary knowledge of music theory totally by ear - by listening to music all your life, as most of us have. The only problem, then - for us as musicians - is to conquer the technical challenges of the instrument, to find our way to the sounds we know in our heads are "right".

Naturally, a little theoretical study can only help us on our way, clear some of the fog, expose some connections we might otherwise spend too long feeling around for.


This is not an argument against book study. To say the Beatles - or EVH or Jimi or Django - never read any theory books (if indeed they didn't) doesn't mean they were great because they didn't. They were great despite the fact they didn't; and because they did a whole ton of listening and practising before we ever heard of them. Most of us (I'm guessing) didn't start as young or practise as obsessively as those guys did (even if we think we did...); so it's too late for us, in that sense at least (we can't go back to childhood and do it again!). So we may need some theory reading to back us up.

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I get the sense that some here use "edumacation" as a crutch for their egos. They collect "theory" like corksniffers. As a musician ,one needs to be practical as well and that means having an application for that data or its ultimately a waste of time. If it makes you happy learning a piece that you will never play for anyone then Im cool with that but dont do it for bragging purposes on the internet. In fact its the internet so why not just lie about your grand accomplishments anyway! Personally ,I have accumulated more "theory' than I can ever use and thats mostly due to my curious nature. I gave my views earlier and dont care to get dragged back into the gutter.

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In fact its the internet so why not just lie about your grand accomplishments anyway!



People lie on the internet???? I haven't got time for this because I need to respond to an email from a girl who wants to send me pics.


PS: my impression is that some of the folks discussing agree on POV but disagree on semantics. Am I right or way off?

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That's IT!! DAMMITT!! :mad: The next time I see one of you guys lording your knowledge of theory over someone I'm burning a theory book!! I'm hackin a theory website!! And I'm tearing up a Kreutzer etude!!!

Furthermore, I've got your creativity right here, and from now on I'll be adding the notes 'H' 'I' 'J' and 'K' (in honor of Krank'N) to all my music. Put that on your cork and sniff it!!!:mad:

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Sorry, Krank'n, didn't mean to upset you, but I was curious as to where you were coming from. I sort of took it like you thought Bach was a punk from your post, and if that's the case I'd like to know who deserves your reverence? And I can play, if that's what you're wondering. Here's a clip that I did with the Axe-FX Ultra a while ago. I just sort of made up a backtrack, and then jammed over it. Sadly, yes I went to music school. Anyways, peace!



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I get the sense that some here use "
lack of
edumacation" as a crutch for their egos. They collect "
lack of
" like corksniffers.






I gave my views earlier and dont care to get dragged back into the gutter.



It's not a gutter. It is a discussion amongst musicians. Your explanations of your opinions are clouded and diffuse. That's why you get attacked. Then you point a finger and say "cork sniffer"....whad'ya expect? Whatever your opinion or the validity thereof, you suck at making your point. Thread=proof.

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