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I discover electric guitar and go totally over the top!

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Got my studio done at last, plugged in and did this - mean and dirty is the way forward!


Can't wait to wake up and go again with a bit more precision, but what the hell, hey :)?


Attached....much less than a minute of me.

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Sounds good !


Plenty more available soon :)! That was done with a technique I call thumb-bashing....must try out a pick today.


The last thing I recorded was a backing track jam here, and that was done clean with a mike in front of the amp. Now I can plug the guitar directly into the soundcard and, using the truly magnificent asio4all driver (if the guy who produced this took a dollar from everyone who uses/needs it he'd be absolutely loaded - still free though), I can record whilst hearing the amp sim but simultaneously record a clean track for further development, FX-wise. As I record I run the output signal into my home audio system, and it's awesomely loud....very easy to get carried away :).


It'll be a while before I get the feel for this. It's obviously a different ball game than playing nylon, but there seems to lurk within me a 17-year-old rebel who digs annoying the neighbours :).


Any tips on getting going with electric with FX would be most welcome....if you listened to the attached audio clip above, what should I do (apart from the obvious :)) to up my game. Slow practice? How, specifically? Today I will be using a metronome, and later backing tracks.



Note, PC users:


That asio4all driver can turn a lame soundcard into something you can use. To plug a guitar into the mike socket and play you need very low latency (sound lag) so you hear a note as you play it, and not a while after. My laptop gave me a lag of a second until I installed the asio4all driver. Now I hear what I play as I play.


You get a control panel come up if you click on the asio4all taskbar icon. The buffers are set at 512 by default. If you get cracks and pops in the audio at this setting, you can slide up to a higher number until the sound is clean. Be aware that a higher buffer setting increases the lag, so you want to settle for the lowest buffer number which gives clean (or at least the best) audio.



It's a good thing to put asio4all on your portable flash drive/memory stick (or whatever name you choose to use). Then if you go away visiting folk you can take your guitar and be able to practice/play on your host's computer if they agree to your installing the driver, which is very small and clean.


Maybe newer laptops etc have ASIO support built in? I think it's needed for games, so probably 'yes'. But some people still have old computers without ASIO, so the driver is handy to have just in case.


This free little amp sim from Studio Devil would give you some gain/drive/tone on your holiday computer:




It's the British Valve Custom (BVC) - registration required....no big deal....worth it. There's a Mac version there too, but asio4all is PC-only at the moment.

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I would suggest working on some palm mutting to throttle back some of that aggression and work in some dynamics.



I think Paul was letting out some energy with excitement, but yes, with the palm mutting in the right place he'll have a bit more phrasing in his playing. But most of the time that excitement is the "true high" of playing.

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I extremely know just how exactly very right you both are....so there is hope :)!


Spot on about the excitement. When I played that clip the house was shaking it was so loud. I was suddenly outside of myself, creating this outlandish noise which seemed to have a certain resemblance to music. I posted it up for fun - and maybe to inspire others to get brave and post their own stuff up and get some feedback.


Nothing to lose!


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