Members DCurtis Posted July 11, 2012 Members Posted July 11, 2012 A coupla' things... 1) can anyone point me to an accurate transcription of theintro guitar part. I've just spent a couple of hours trying totranscribe it and I'd like to check my work. 2) The intro is in 4/4, but it sounds like the guitar is syncopated,and the drummer isn't emphasizing beat one at all. In fact, it seemshe's engaging in a little time displacement. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I haven't transcribed musicsince I was in school twenty years back. I'm working on getting mytranscribing skills back but it is slow and hard going. I wasn't too good tobegin with. With that and time against me it's not been easy. Thanks gents
Members benzem Posted July 12, 2012 Members Posted July 12, 2012 A coupla' things...1) can anyone point me to an accurate transcription of theintro guitar part. I've just spent a couple of hours trying totranscribe it and I'd like to check my work.2) The intro is in 4/4, but it sounds like the guitar is syncopated,and the drummer isn't emphasizing beat one at all. In fact, it seemshe's engaging in a little time displacement.Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I haven't transcribed musicsince I was in school twenty years back. I'm working on getting mytranscribing skills back but it is slow and hard going. I wasn't too good tobegin with. With that and time against me it's not been easy.Thanks gents I don't. But maybe you can post yours and we can give our thoughts. I like the 1/2 step slowish bend that "lands" on the open A. Catchy.
Members DCurtis Posted July 12, 2012 Author Members Posted July 12, 2012 If I had a way to post it, I would.I don't have a scanner, and don'thave or use any software that wouldget the job done. I really need to dosomething about the software matter,as I'm thinking that might give me a wayto check my own work.
Members benzem Posted July 12, 2012 Members Posted July 12, 2012 A coupla' things...1) can anyone point me to an accurate transcription of theintro guitar part. I've just spent a couple of hours trying totranscribe it and I'd like to check my work.2) The intro is in 4/4, but it sounds like the guitar is syncopated,and the drummer isn't emphasizing beat one at all. In fact, it seemshe's engaging in a little time displacement.Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I haven't transcribed musicsince I was in school twenty years back. I'm working on getting mytranscribing skills back but it is slow and hard going. I wasn't too good tobegin with. With that and time against me it's not been easy.Thanks gents Not exactly sure what you mean here. It's a basic 4/4 BUT is 10 bars, giving it a little different feel. Sorta like adding and extra 2 bar hesitation. No time displacement, just some nice drumming to give some stutter to the intro, before falling into a standard beat.
Members JonR Posted July 14, 2012 Members Posted July 14, 2012 A coupla' things...1) can anyone point me to an accurate transcription of theintro guitar part. I've just spent a couple of hours trying totranscribe it and I'd like to check my work.2) The intro is in 4/4, but it sounds like the guitar is syncopated,and the drummer isn't emphasizing beat one at all. In fact, it seemshe's engaging in a little time displacement.Yes - you've got it about right. Here's the first 4 bars with timing (the 6th string in D is actually a 2nd guitar): e|------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|B|------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|G|------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|D|------|----0-----0----|0-0---0---0----|--0-----0-0----|0-0---0---0----|A|-0-4-0|4b----4b----4b-|----4b--4b-----|----4b------4b-|----4b--4b-----|D|------|---------------|----------0-3-0|---------------|----------0-3-0|DRUMS: T T T S S T T TBEATS: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . "T" = toms, "S" = snare.What makes it complicated is not only the syncopation, but the rhythm of the first 2 bars of guitar is not repeated. It's the rhythm of bars 3 and 4 that is repeated in the following 4 bars.
Members DCurtis Posted July 16, 2012 Author Members Posted July 16, 2012 Jon, Thanks. I see I need to make some corrections.Getting the pitches was not a problem. Gettingthe rhythms has proven to be another matter.
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