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I've been working on a softer struming technique. I've been recording my practice. I found that as I play guitar and sing, the guitar is too over powering and the voice fades to the background. I think the voice should be out front and the guitar should be in the background. For some reason, when I increase the emotion in my voice, I increase the attack on the strings. I guess I just need more practice. Struming softly sounds good. If it feels too soft, just turn up the volume. Not really a question. Just wondering if anybody else had this problem. Or if anyone had any thoughts about the differences in attack while struming?

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The guitar part - just like the vocal part should breathe. Meaning it should get louder and quieter depending on the emotion and momentum of the vocal. Should be able to remove the voice from the recording and still get the dynamics of where the vocal is at. You should feel the solemn parts or the energetic parts. It is the interaction of the parts that makes for a great performance.

Yes, practice is the key, but awareness of the problem always comes first.

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Ya Jeremy, that makes a lot of sense. I'm going to play around with that idea. Maybe record the struming without the singing but focus on making the guitar tell the story. Then listen to it and try to make adjustments.

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Well, that didn't really work. Trying to make the rhythm guitar tell the story. Haha. But I still like the softer attack for the song I'm working on right now. Just need to practice it a little more.

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phil-the-thrill wrote:

Well, that didn't really work. Trying to make the rhythm guitar tell the story. Haha. But I still like the softer attack for the song I'm working on right now. Just need to practice it a little more.


Ha! Don't give up, it certainly does work and you can hear it in almost every pro recording. Keep at it and just let the guitar part breathe with the song.

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Oh no, I won't be giving up. It's just that the song I'm working on calls for a softer attack. At least the harmony part while the voice has the melody. I know some songs call for a stronger attack on the ryhthm guitar. Arlo Guthrie at Woodstock comes to mind.

  • 5 weeks later...
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yea Jeremy, the more I look at it, the more I understand what you are trying to say. "can't you see" starts off soft, but gains emotion in each verse. sometimes a harder attack is just what the doctor ordered


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