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Axon - gone forever?


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I know... it's a tragedy. Tracking was soo much better than the Roland gear. Just glad I've got my AX100. Must make sure nothing happens to it!


Roland should see if they can buy up the assets/IP behind the Axon gear, would be a vast improvement. I like pick position splits!

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Yep they are not making the axon ax 100 anymore. Like the other poster, I will hang onto mine. BUT...Andreas Sleazeay, the inventer of the axon ax 100 has a wireless 5 pin MIDI pickup for guitar that is supposed to be sold by fishman sometime in the future.


If THAT were available, it would probably take the place of my axon ax 100 mark II. From what I hear the tracking is supposed to be as fast as the ax 100. Wireless and fast tracking? I would buy it in a heartbeat if the price is not outrageous. I would still keep my axon though as a backup and because no converter I have seen lets you split strings or the fretboard up like the axon does.


You can still get great deals on them used on ebay. If you get a bluechip model (makers of the original ax 100) you can get it for even less. And it has no onboard sounds which I think are awful on the ax 100 mark II!


That would be what I would get if I did not already own one of the mark II units as the tracking on both is exactly the same. The tracking is also the same on the ax 50.

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The only one I was interested in was the AX 50. That little bugger would be mounted on a pedal board + midi foot controller > midi merger going to a rack motif. But sadly, that rig looks to be impossible to achieve. I'll just have to work with my GR55.

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