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Guitar Rig and Fast Track Pro Noise Issues


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Hey guys,


I recently bought a Fast Track Pro for recording (primarily vocals) and recently have began

using it for recording guitar then running it into Guitar Rig LE (with the possibility of buying

the full version for live work). However, I've been running into some noise issues and would

appreciate some tips on fixing them.


My setup is fairly simple:


Guitar>M-Audio Fast track Pro through USB>DAW


but I've also tried it with an amp before the Fast Track as a direct in recording


Guitar>Roland Cube 30>M-Audio Fast Track Pro through USB>DAW

but I still got the same issues.



I've been looking up issues with ground loops and that and so far I've made sure that all my

gear is coming from the same power source, tried new cables, but I still get hum. I know there's other options to try but unsure which would help. My PC is very capable of running the programs and all that jazz!



Here are some samples:


Here is the basic noise I get with my guitar volume turned down fully.



Here is a sample with no noise gate



and here with a gate, but it makes a drum brush kinda sound ona clean input.




All help is appreciated.


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A guitar player I work with uses guitar rig. He had a humm/buzz coming though at all times. So we just put a DI with a lift on it and it was dead silent. :thu:


Are you using that floor controller? Well in any case, the 1/8" right out of the computer AND the controller 1/4" had the buzz and went away with a lift.

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