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Website Building Question


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Ah... when you said garbled pile of {censored}... I thought you meant like random characters on the screen and such.

... nope, that's the way it shows up on Firefox too. Welcome to the fun world of Table-hell.

I'll see if I can fix it for ya real quick.


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Oops.. stupid me... harder to fix with out taking a lot of time than I thought... my suggestion would be to put the site together and test it out in Firefox... then go from there... should look good everywhere else.

I think.

What program are you using to edit?


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Originally posted by onbongos

it's IE that sucks. preview your site in mozilla (not netscape) and it will work in IE



Man, that's old skool. But true.


General rule for web design (as most other design areas) - keep it simple.

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Definitely build for Mozilla/Opera/Safari, then look up the fixes for IE. Sure, IE 7 works a bit better than the previous versions, but it is still not completely up to specs when it comes to rendering pages.

As for tables, drop them unless you are using them for tabular data. Also, I am not a big fan of frames either. But I do love CSS, and it really isn't as difficult as most people make out. On a piece of paper, define sections of your site, such as Navigation, Content, etc... and then split up the code thusly and it will be a breeze to position them.

Also, if you need help, Control+U (opens the Page Source) is your best friend for seeing how other sites do it.

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