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Can DL-4 do two delays?


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Looks like I'm getting myself a Line 6 DL-4 this weekend and I'm super psyched about it.

I like to do a lot of things with 2 delays running simultaneously. For example, I like setting the delay time of the first pedal at 75% of the delay time of the second delay pedal. (try it)


Can the DL-4 do this within itself?


If it can't, can the DD-20 do it?

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Originally posted by rfritz

This might sound stupid, but can I just run that in mono? And, what controls do they share?

Yeah, I'm about 100% sure you can, but I never use that mode, so I can't say for certain. I don't see why not...I mean, even if the outputs were panned, if you only used the mono output, they sum L + R. I'm confident it will work.

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Originally posted by rfritz

This might sound stupid, but can I just run that in mono? And, what controls do they share?

yes you can run the 'stereo delay' mode in mono. It gives you that 'where the streets have no name' tone:thu:


also theres the duel head mode that is pretty crazy. I love the DL4.

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